By Shivani Garg
Ms Excel Find & Select feature is used to find a specific Text or data in worksheet. This feature is very useful when the worksheet is large and you need to change some text and replace it with other text.
** You can search the entire worksheet or you can search particular selected range.
How to Find the Text
Take following steps.
>> On the Home Tab, click Find & Select. Its located in the upper right side of worksheet.
>> Click Find. A dialog box will appear.
** Ctrl+G is the shortcut to find
>> When you click find
>> Type the text you want to find. For example, Let's search for section A here in the example below. Click 'Find Next'.
>> When you click Find Next , Excel takes you to the first occurrence of the text you want to find.
>> Again click 'Find Next' to select the second occurrence.
>> If you want to see list of all the cells which contain the Text you want to find, click 'Find All'.
How to Replace the Text example
To Replace the text with other text, take following steps.
>> On the Home Tab, click Find & Select.
>> Click Replace.
** Ctrl+H is the shortcut to Replace
>> 'Find and Replace' dialog box will appear. Select Replace tab.
>> Type the text you want to find (Section A) and type the text you want to replace (Lotus)
>> To make a Single Replacement, Click Replace.
>> To Replace all cells, Click Replace All.
The Result will be
How to use ‘Go To Special’
MS Excel's ‘Go To Special’ feature is used to find & select the cells with Comments, Constants, Formulas, Blanks, Conditional formatting, Data validation, etc.
let's Learn with example
How to select cells with Comments.
>> On the Home tab, click Find & Select. Click Go To Special.
4. Select comments and click OK.
Result will be >> Excel will select all cells with Comments.
Likewise you can find the cells with Formula
let's Learn with example
How to select cells with Formulas.
>> On the Home tab, click Find & Select. Click Go To Special.
4. Select Formulas and click OK.
Excel will select cells with formulas.
Likewise, you can use the more ‘go to special’ options.
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MS Excel
Shivani Garg