Java 8 tutorial in detail - With lots of example and programs

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Download, Install and setup java 8 in windows

Functional Interface in java 8 with easy examples

Lambda expressions tutorial In java 8

Lambda scopes in java 8

What are Method references in java 8

Default method in java 8

Static methods in java 8


Convert ArrayList in Streams in java 8

Convert ArrayList of Integers to Streams in java 8

Convert ArrayList of String to Streams in java 8

Create Stream of Integer in java 8

Create Stream of String in java 8

Sequential vs ParallelStreams - in java 8

Streams Exception Example in java 8

Reduce list to store it in Optional in java 8

Short Circuiting Operations in Streams in java 8

Infinite Sequential ordered and unordered Stream - in java 8

Create STREAM, filter, display and sorting - example in java 8-

Create Double Stream and use Reduce Method on it in java 8

Create Int Stream and use Reduce Method on it in java 8

Create stream of Integers and use Reduce Method on it in java 8

How to use OptionalInt in java 8

use Optional in java 8

use OptionalDouble in java 8

IntStream in java 8 in in detail - Almost all the Practical usages with examples

In Java 8 - Find all even numbers between 1 to 5

In Java 8 - Find all numbers greater than 2

In Java 8 - Find all even numbers greater than 2

In Java 8 - Find all even numbers between 1 to 5

In Java 8 - Find sum of all between 1 to 5

In Java 8 - Find sum of all even numbers between 1 to 5

In Java 8 - Find maximum of all numbers in IntStream

In Java 8 - Find minimum of all numbers in IntStream

In Java 8 - count number of elements in IntStream

In Java 8 - Find average of all between 1 to 5

short-circuiting stateful intermediate operation in java8 - findFirst(), findAny(), anyMatch(), allMatch(), noneMatch()

in java 8 - Count number of records greater than 2

In Java 8 - Find sum of all between 1 to 5 and add 10 to that

>Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Write javascript (js) code and use eval() method to execute it in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Load js (Javascript) file in java in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Find square of number using javascript (js) squareFunction - in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Call/Invoke js (javascript) function - Find sum of numbers using js squareFunction - in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

call js function and pass java.util.Date and Employee object from java - in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Call java script - Then Create and access java int Array in javascript - in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Call java script - Then Create and access java.util.ArrayList in javascript - in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Call java script - Then Create and access java.util.HashMap in javascript

Call java script - Then Create and access java.util.Date in javascript in Java 8

Create and access java GregorianCalendar in javascript, Print current date, month and year

Creating and using java threads in javascript - in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

How to use System.out.println of java in javascript - in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Call java methods from javascript (js) file to calculate square of number in Java 8

Call java methods from javascript (js) file to print object value and its type in java 8

Call java methods from javascript (js) file to pass JSON in java and print all keys and values of passed json - Use ScriptObjectMirror - in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Call java methods from javascript (js) file pass Employee object in java 8 and print all its fields

How to BIND java objects to js (javascript) objects - in Nashorn Engine in Java 8

create Array in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Method Overriding - in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

BIND PROPERTIES of objects - in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Call super class method in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Trim String in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Create array and iterate over it, find factors using underscore-min.js - in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Print location and directory of javascript file - in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8

Import java packages in javascript - And use java classes in javascript in Java 8

Convert java ArrayList to javaScript(js) array, int array to java array - in Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8


Clock example in java 8

Display ISO_DATE_TIME - formatted date and time in java 8

Create own LocalDate using LocalDate.of() method and from String in java 8

Using DATE in java 8 - LocalDate example (Also display previous and next dates)

Create own LocalDateTime using LocalDateTime.of() method and from String in java 8

Using DATE and TIME in java 8 - LocalDateTime example

Convert LocalDateTime to Time Zone ISO8061 and vice versa in java 8

How to use Different time Zone in java 8 - ZoneId and ZonedDateTime

Display All TimeZone SORTED By TimeZone name (or AREA) In Java in java 8

Display All TimeZone SORTED By TimeZone TIME (or offset) in java 8

Find Difference In Hour, Minute and Second In Two Different TimeZones in java 8

>More >

Access restriction: The type 'NashornScriptEngine' is not API (restriction on required library 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\jre\lib\ext\nashorn.jar')

Labels: Core Java Java 8
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