These java tutorials will help freshers to start there java careers because all the explanations have done considering you are learning topic first time with lots of real time programs and examples.
But, now you must be thinking do we have anything in bank for experienced developers?
YES, for experienced developers it contains extremely detailed explanations and in-depth coverage of topics .
So, it's time for even freshers to become pro developers.
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Core Java tutorial in detail
Collection framework Tutorial in java in detail
Exceptions handling Tutorial in java in detail
Thread Concurrency Tutorial in java
Series of JVM and Garbage Collection (GC) in java - Best explanations ever with exclusive summary section
Serialization And Deserialization Tutorial
>RegEx (Regular expression) tutorial with examples
>iText library tutorial - working with PDF files in java
>Sorting & searching in java - Bubble, selection, insertion, Advanced sorting - Merge and quick sort, Binary Search with recursion
>Data structures in java - Stack, queue, Singly and doubly linkedList
>Custom Implementation of Map, Set and Lists in java - HashMap, LinkedHashMap, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, ArrayList, Vector
>Basic programs for java beginners
>Interview Programs (beginner to advanced) in java
>Core java QUIZ - Mcq(Multiple choice questions)
>Interview Questions and answers in Java - Top and most important - BEST EXPLANATION EVER
Java tutorial & history of java >
Java tutorial - Advantage, Where is java used in real world, platform independent language
History of java - Team, Initial target, first big success, now a days, 4 platforms, creator, principles, releases of java
Setting JDK path in windows and linux >
Download and install JDK, Setting environment variables JAVA_HOME & JDK PATH temporarily and permanently in windows, What is a path? need to set PATH variable?
JDK path in Linux and Unix temporarily and permanently, What is a path?Why we need to set PATH variable? setting environment variable
First java program using notepad and eclipse >
Writing and executing first java program through CMD in windows, Setting up ECLIPSE in java, Directory of .class file
Classes, objects, interface, abstract classes and constructors in core java tutorial >
Classes and Objects in java - Class consist of blocks, constructor, variables, methods, inner classes and inner interfaces
Interface in java - Multiple inheritance, Marker interfaces, When to use interface practically, 12 features
Abstract class in java - When to use abstract class or interface practically, 10 features
Constructor in java - Constructor chaining, access modifiers with constructors, constructor overloading, exception thrown, constructors are not inherited
10 Differences between Interface and abstract class in java - in detail with programs
Access modifiers in core java >
Access modifier /Access specifier in java - private, package-private(Default), protected and public - Diagram and tabular form
Method overloading and overriding in core java >
Method overloading in java - in detail with programs,10 Features,need of method overloading, overloading main method, Diagram and tabular form of Implicit casting/promotion of primitive Data type
Method overriding in java - in detail with programs, 10 Features, need of method overriding, understanding @Override annotation, Covariant return, diagram to understand access modifiers
10 Difference between Method overloading and Method overriding in java - in detail with programs
Naming conventions in core java tutorial >
Source file naming rule in java - When source file consists of public class & non-public classes OR only non-public classes
Java naming conventions for interface, class, package, variable, reference variable to object, method, constant - using code comments in java
oops principle in core java tutorial >
4 oops (object oriented programming system) concepts in java > Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism in detail with programs, abstraction interface via Abstract classes, Inheritance via extends and implements,Compile Runtime polymorphism
What is Encapsulation in java - OOPS principles
What is Abstraction in java - OOPS principles
What is Inheritance in java - OOPS principles
What is compile and runtime Polymorphism in java - OOPS principal
4 java platforms in core >
Differences and relation between 4 Java Programming Language Platforms > Java SE/ J2SE - Standard Edition, Java EE/ J2EE - Enterprise Edition, Java ME/ J2ME - Micro Edition, JavaFX
JDK, JRE, JVM in core java >
JDK (Java Development Kit), JRE (Java Runtime environment), JVM (java virtual machine), Differences between JDK, JRE and JVM, OpenJDK, JIT Compiler (Just In Time Compiler) internal working
JVM (java virtual machine)
What is JDK (Java Development Kit)
What is JRE (Java Runtime environment)
What are Differences between JDK, JRE and JVM
What is OpenJDK
What is JIT Compiler (Just In Time Compiler) in JVM
Data types, operators, control flow statements in core java >
Primitive, Custom/reference Data Types, Integer, Floating-Point, Character and String literal, Escape sequence in java, decimal to hexaDecimal and binary conversion program
What are Primitive Data Types in java
What are Custom/reference Data Types in java
What are Literals in java - Integer, Floating-Point, Character and String literal, Escape sequence in java
What is Implicit casting/promotion of primitive Data type with programs in java
Arithmetic, Unary, Equality, Relational, Conditional, Bitwise, Bit Shift, Assignment, instanceof operators in detail with programs.
What are Arithmetic Operators in java
What are Unary Operators in java
What are Equality, Relational, and Conditional Operators in java
What are Bitwise & Bit Shift Operators in java
What are Assignment Operators in java
What are instanceof Operator (used for Type Comparison) in java
Control Flow Statements = Decision making - if, else, switch | Looping - for, Infinite, Enhanced for loop, while, do-while | Branching - break, Labeled break, continue, Labeled continue, return, goTo
What are Blocks in java
Keywords in core java >
final keyword in java - 20 salient features
Static keyword in java - variable, method, class, block - 24 salient features
Why Static method cannot be overridden in java - Explanation with program
What is static import in core java
Super keyword in java - Invoke constructor, Access instance variable, Invoke instance method of immediate super class using super
this keyword in java - in constructor, refer instance variable, call instance method, this (current class object) as a parameter, return this
What is use of strictfp keyword in java
const keyword in java
garbage collection java >
How garbage collection works internally in java | Mark and sweep algorithm
finalize method in java - 13 salient features
Why finalize method is protected in java - An explanation with programs
String and String pool in core java >
String is Immutable in java
String pool/ String literal pool/ String constant pool in java
Difference between constant pool and String pool in core java
Autoboxing and unboxing in core java >
Immutable classes in core java >
Creating Immutable class in java
Cloning in core java tutorial >
Cloning in java using clone- Shallow and deep copy - 8 techniques for deep copying- 8 important points about cloning
Reflection in core java >
Reflection in java - Methods used and program
Covariant return type, Varargs and toString method in core java tutorial>
What is Covariant return type in core java
Varargs method (Variable arguments) in core java
how to use toString method in java
Design patterns in core java tutorial >
Singleton in java, Doubly Locked Singleton class/ Lazy initialization, enum singleton, eager initialization in static block
Few basic terminologies, concepts in core java tutorial>
Difference between arguments and parameters in java
Copy by value and copy by reference in java - Primitive are passed by value & objects by reference
ASCII codes >
ASCII values of characters in java
Few more facts about java >
How many java developers are there in the world
Differences in core java >
10 Differences between Interface and abstract class in java - in detail with programs
10 Difference between Method overloading and Method overriding in java - in detail with programs
Difference between equals method and == operator in java - testing with String and StringBuffer
Difference between String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder in java - In depth coverage
Differences between Instance initialization block and Static initialization block in java - Features in detail with programs
Difference between constant pool and String pool in core java
Inner classes in core java >
Inner class/ nested class, static nested class, local and anonymous inner class in java
Top and most important Core java interview question and answers >
Solving few very common and frequently Core java errors >
Solved - Failed to load the JNI shared Library - JDK - eclipse
Resolve Error: Could not find or load main class
error: Class names are only accepted if annotation processing is explicitly requested in java: solution
Resolve error: Class names, 'className', are only accepted if annotation processing is explicitly requested
Few important java programs>
Find out windows version installed in your system using java program and cmd
How to find out the classpath and where all the jar's are loaded from in java
How to find out location from where the main java class you are running is loaded
Find eclipse version in your system
Find out Java version (32 or 64 bit) installed in your system using java program and cmd
Find out JDK version installed in your system using java program
Find out Operating System name using java program
What is classpath environment variable in java, how to configure it from CMD with example program
how to check string contains substring or not using indexOf and contains method in java
Few JVM related basic java programs>
Find out total number of available processors to JVM
Find Total Amount Of Memory In JVM
Find Free Memory Available In Java virtual machine
Find Maximum Memory That JVM can use
How to terminate JVM in java
Additional core java knowledge>
How many methods can be written in core java class or interface
String, Integer, Long, Double, Float, Short and any other wrapper class should be preferred to use a key in HashMap
Top Overriding equals and hashcode method interview question and answers >
For advanced/experienced users >
- Overriding equals and hashcode method of Employee class and using it as a key in custom LinkedHashMap
- Overriding equals and hashcode method of Employee class and using it as an element in custom HashSet>
- Overriding equals and hashcode method of Employee class and using it as an element in custom LinkedHashSet>
Collection framework Tutorial in java in detail with diagrams and programs
Basic Collection tutorial in core java >
Collection tutorial in java
List tutorial in java >
java.utilArrayList tutorial in java
java.util.LinkedList tutorial in java
Set tutorial in java >
java.util.HashSet tutorial in java
EnumSet tutorial in java with program
Map tutorial in java >
HashMap tutorial in java
ConcurrentHashMap tutorial in java - with Segments formation in detail with diagram
IdentityHashMap tutorial in java with program
WeakHashMap tutorial in java
EnumMap tutorial in java with program
Basic Collection tutorial in core java - All properties in tabular form >
Collection tutorial in java - java.util.List, java.util.Set and java.util.Map all properties in tabular form
Collection framework java tutorial : Collection hierarchy in core java >
List hierarchy tutorial in java - Detailed - java.util.ArrayList, java.util.LinkedList, java.util.vector, java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList classes
Set hierarchy tutorial in java - Detailed - java.util.HashSet, java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet, java.util.LinkedHashSet, java.util.TreeSet, java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet, java.util.EnumSet classes
Map hierarchy tutorial in java - Detailed - java.util.HashMap, java.util.Hashtable, java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap, java.util.LinkedHashMap, java.util.TreeMap, java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap, java.util.IdentityHashMap, java.util.WeakHashMap, java.util.EnumMap classes
ConcurrentModificationException , Fail-fast and Fail-safe >
ConcurrentModificationException, Fail-fast and Fail-safe in detail in java
Collection framework java tutorial : Important Collection - Similarity and Differences in core java >
List Differences tutorial in java >
ArrayList vs LinkedList - Similarity and Differences in java
ArrayList vs Vector - Similarity and Differences in java
List vs Set - Similarity and Differences in java
Set Differences tutorial in java >
HashSet vs LinkedHashSet vs TreeSet - Similarity and Differences in java
HashSet vs LinkedHashSet vs TreeSet - Similarity and Differences in java
Map Differences tutorial in java >
Similarity and Differences between HashMap and Hashtable in java
Similarity and Differences between HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap - in java
HashMap vs Hashtable vs LinkedHashMap vs TreeMap - Differences in java
Similarity and Differences between HashMap vs IdentityHashMap - with program in java
Differences between few more important Collection framework classes in java >
Collection vs Collections - Differences between in java
Similarity and Differences between Iterator vs ListIterator - in java
Differences and similarities between Iterator vs Enumeration - in java
Convert Array to list, list to array,
Array to set, Set to array in java>
How to convert ArrayList to HashSet and Set to Array in Java examples
convert Array to Set and Set to array in Java
How to convert Array to List and ArrayList to array in Java
Synchronize ArrayList - collection framework tutorial in java tutorial >
What is default capacity of ArrayList and Vector, and how they are resized in collection framework tutorial in core java >
Collection framework java tutorial : Important Similarity and Differences Collection classes in concurrent and non-concurrent packages in java >
ArrayList vs CopyOnWriteArrayList - Similarity and Differences with program in java
HashSet vs CopyOnWriteArraySet - Similarity and Differences with program in java
TreeSet vs ConcurrentSkipListSet - Similarity and Differences with program in java
TreeMap vs ConcurrentSkipListMap - Similarity and Differences with program in java
Collection framework java tutorial : Sorting Collection by implementing comparator and Comparable, using TreeMap and TreeSet, Collections.sort and Arrays.sort tutorial in java >
Comparable vs Comparator - differences and sorting list by implementing Comparable and Comparator in classes and inner classes in java
Arrays.sort to sort arrays by implementing Comparator and how Comparator of superclass can be used by subclasses in java
Sort Set by using TreeSet and by implementing Comparator and Comparable interface in java
Sort Map by key in Ascending and descending order by implementing Comparator interface and overriding its compare method and using TreeMap in java
Sort Map by value in Ascending and descending order by implementing Comparator interface and overriding its compare method in java
Top Collection Interviews question and answers >
COLLECTION - Top 50 interview questions and answers in core java for fresher and experienced
COLLECTION - Top 50 interview questions and answers in core java for fresher and experienced
Consequence and advantage of using ArrayList and Vector tutorial in multithreading environment in java >
Consequence of using ArrayList in multithreading environment in java
Advantage of using Vector in multithreading environment in java
Exceptions Tutorial in java in detail with diagrams and programs
Exception definition in java tutorial>
checked, unchecked Exceptions and Error in Exception handling tutorial in core java>
What are checked (compile time exceptions) in java
What are unchecked (Runtime Exceptions) in java
5 Exceptions handling keywords - try, catch, finally, throw and throws in Exception handling tutorial in core java >
User defined Exceptions tutorial>
Creating User defined checked and unchecked Exception/ custom Exception in java
Creating User defined checked and unchecked Exception/ custom Exception in java
Automatic Resource Management and Try-with-resources in java 7 in Exception handling tutorial in core java >
Exception propagation>
Exception chaining /wrapping tutorial >
what is Exception chaining / wrapping in java
Exception stack trace and debugging it in java tutorial >
What is a stack trace in exceptions in java, how to debug exceptions in application
Method overloading on basis of exceptions in Exception handling in core java
12 Exception handling best practices in Exception handling tutorial in core java >
12 Exception handling best practices and guidelines for using exceptions in java
Handling Exception in static block tutorial >
How to handle exception thrown from static block in java? Why throw not allowed in static block in java
Important Exception differences in Exception handling tutorial in core java >
Difference between multiple catch block and multi catch syntax in Exception handling in core java
Most frequently occurring Exception and Errors in java >
Most common and frequently occurring checked, unchecked Exceptions and Errors in java
Most common and frequently occurring checked (compile time) and Errors in java >
IOException in java
FileNotFoundException in java
EOFException occurs and how to avoid it in java
SQLException in java
What is java.lang.InterruptedException in java
when java.lang.ClassNotFoundException occurs in java
Solve InvalidClassException in java
Most common and frequently occurring unchecked (runtime) in java.
What is java.lang.NullPointerException in java, when it occurs,how to handle, avoid and fix it
NumberFormatException in java
IndexOutOfBoundsException in java
When java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs in java
When java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs in java
java.lang.ArithmeticException in java - Divide number by zero
When dividing by zero does not throw ArithmeticException in java
When java.lang.IllegalStateException occurs in java
when java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown in java
Solve java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException in java
Most common and frequently occurring Errors in java >
OutOfMemoryError in java
When java.lang.StackOverflowError occurs in java
Solve java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError in java
How to solve java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in java
Few More >
Top Exception interview question and answers in Exception handling tutorial in core java >
EXCEPTIONS - Top 60 interview questions and answers in java for fresher and experienced - detailed explanation with diagrams Set-1 > Q1- Q25
EXCEPTIONS - Top 60 interview questions and answers in java for fresher and experienced - 30 important OUTPUT questions Set-2 > Q26- Q60
Threads basics in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java >
What is thread in java
Thread states/ Thread life cycle in java in detail with diagram, examples and scenarios
Difference between Process and Thread in java
Write your first thread in java >
Implementing Threads in java by implementing Runnable interface and extending Thread class - How to create your first thread in java/ Learn creating more than one thread (Multithreads) in java
Threads implement their own stack in java - demonstration using program/examples and diagram in threads / Multithreading tutorial
Differences between implementing Runnable interface and extending Thread class in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java
Thread behaviour is unpredictable in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java
When threads are not lightweight process in java, in fact they become heavy weight process
run() and Start() methods in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java >
What will happen if we don’t override run method of thread in java?
What will happen if we override start method of thread in java?
Difference between starting thread with run() and start() methods in java
Can we start Thread again in java?
Volatile keyword vs synchronized in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java>
Volatile keyword in java- difference between synchronized and volatile, 10 key points about volatile keyword, why volatile variables are not cached in memory in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java
Differences between synchronized and volatile keyword in detail in java
Race Condition in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java >
Race condition in multithreading and it's solution in java
Consumer Producer problem solution using different techniques in threads/Multithreading tutorial in java >
Solve Consumer Producer problem by using wait() and notify() methods in multithreading tutorial in java
solve Consumer Producer problem by using wait() and notify() methods, where consumer can consume only when production is over in java
How to solve Consumer Producer problem without using wait() and notify() methods, where consumer can consume only when production is over in java
BlockingQueue in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java >
Solve Consumer Producer problem by using BlockingQueue in multithreading in java
Custom implementation of LinkedBlockingQueue class which implements BlockingQueue interface in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java
DeadLock and its detection in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java >
Deadlock in multithreading - program/example to form DeadLock, solving DeadLock, measures to avoid Deadlock in java.
VisualVM - Thread dumps - Generating and analyzing Thread Dumps using VisualVM - step by step detail to setup VisualVM with screenshots in java
JSTACK - Thread dumps - Generating and analyzing Thread Dumps using JSATCK - step by step detail to setup JSTACK with screenshots in java
Reason why suspend() and resume() methods are deprecated and Deadlock prone in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java
destroy() method in java - usage, reason why destroy() method is deprecated and Deadlock prone in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java.
Important Thread methods (salient features, usage with programs/example) in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java>
Sleep() method in threads - 10 key features with programs/example in java
Wait() and notify() methods- Definition, 8 key features, solving consumer producer problem with & without these methods and consequences of not using wait() and notify() methods in java.
Daemon threads - 12 salient features of Daemon Thread in java
2 alternate ways to stop thread, as stop() method is deprecated in java
Join() method - 10 salient features of join in java
Thread isAlive() method in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java
interrupt() method of thread in java
holdsLock(object) method to find whether current thread holds the lock on monitor of specified object in java.
Thread priorities - setPriority() and getPriority() methods in java
Using Suspend and resume method in threads in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java
Methods for Adding ShutdownHook and handling uncaught runtime exception in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java >
Threads addShutdownHook method in java
Handling uncaught runtime exception generated in run method using - setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler method in java
Differences between important thread methods in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java >
Difference between Process and Thread in java
Difference between wait() and sleep() method in threads in java
Differences and similarities between yield() and sleep() in threads in java
Difference between notify() and notifyAll() methods, with program in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java
Difference between wait() and wait(long timeout) -What will be Thread states in java
Difference between object Lock and class Lock in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java
Difference between traditional synchronization and Condition interface in java
Difference between starting thread with run() and start() methods in java
Differences between implementing Runnable interface and extending Thread class in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java
Differences between synchronized and volatile keyword in detail in java
Object and class lock in threads / Multithreading tutorial in core java >
Acquiring object lock - synchronization blocks and methods- multiple threads may exist on same object but only one thread of that object can enter synchronized block/method at a time in java.
Acquiring lock on class, 2 Ways to acquire lock on class in java
Difference between object Lock and class Lock in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java
Thread Pool, Thread local, Busy Spin, ThreadGroup in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java >
Implement own Thread pool in java
Implementing ThreadPool using custom LinkedBlockingQueue
ThreadLocal in multithreading in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java - methods and usage with program/example
Busy Spin - What is busy spin? Consumer Producer problem with busy spin and solution to busy spin in java.
ThreadGroup in java
Demonstrate ThreadGroup's important methods in DETAIL in java
Green threads in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java >
What are Green Threads in java
Difference between Green Threads and non-green/native threads in java
Situation based questions in threads / Multithreading tutorial in core java -
Suppose you have 2 threads (Thread-1 and Thread-2) on same object. Thread-1 is in synchronized method1(), can Thread-2 enter synchronized method2() at same time in java?
Suppose you have 2 threads (Thread-1 and Thread-2) on same object. Thread-1 is in static synchronized method1(), can Thread-2 enter static synchronized method2() at same time in java?
Suppose you have 2 threads (Thread-1 and Thread-2) on same object. Thread-1 is in synchronized method1(), can Thread-2 enter static synchronized method2() at same time in java?
Suppose you have thread and it is in synchronized method and now can thread enter other synchronized method from that method in java?
Suppose you have thread and it is in static synchronized method and now can thread enter other static synchronized method from that method in java?
Suppose you have thread and it is in static synchronized method and now can thread enter other non static synchronized method from that method in java?
Suppose you have thread and it is in synchronized method and now can thread enter other static synchronized method from that method in java?
Suppose you have 2 threads (Thread-1 on object1 and Thread-2 on object2). Thread-1 is in synchronized method1(), can Thread-2 enter synchronized method2() at same time in java?
Suppose you have 2 threads (Thread-1 on object1 and Thread-2 on object2). Thread-1 is in static synchronized method1(), can Thread-2 enter static synchronized method2() at same time in java?
Guidelines to threadsafe code in core java >
More about Threads in threads / Multithreading tutorial in java >
Thread Starvation in java
Constructor in java cannot be synchronized in java
ThreadDeath error - calling stop method on thread throws ThreadDeath error in java
Top Thread Interviews questions in core java thread tutorial>
THREADS - Top 80 interview questions and answers (detailed explanation with programs/examples) Set-1 > Q1- Q60 in java
THREADS - Top 80 interview questions and answers, important interview OUTPUT questions and answers, Set-2 > Q61- Q80
Thread Concurrency Tutorial
Executor framework in thread concurrency tutorial in java >
Executor and ExecutorService framework in java
Atomic operations >
Atomic operations in java
AtomicInteger in java
Implementation of custom/own AtomicInteger in thread concurrency tutorial in java
AtomicLong in java
Implementation of custom/own AtomicLong in thread concurrency tutorial in java
AtomicBoolean in java
Semaphore in thread concurrency tutorial in java >
Semaphore in java
Implementation of custom/own Semaphore in thread concurrency tutorial in java
Semaphore used for implementing Producer Consumer pattern
Custom Semaphore used for implementing Producer Consumer pattern
Lock and Reentrant Locks in thread concurrency tutorial in java >
Locks and ReEntrantLocks in java
Implementation of custom/own Lock and ReEntrantLock in java
ReentrantLock class provides implementation of Lock’s newCondition() method - description and solving producer consumer program using this method
ReadWriteLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock in thread concurrency tutorial in java >
ReadWriteLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock in java
Implementation of custom/own ReadWriteLock and ReentrantReadWriteLock in thread concurrency tutorial in java
CountDownLatch in thread concurrency tutorial in java >
CountDownLatch in java
Implementation of custom/own CountDownLatch in java
CyclicBarrier in thread concurrency tutorial in java >
CyclicBarrier in java
Implementation of custom/own CyclicBarrier in thread concurrency tutorial in java
Phaser in java >
Phaser in java
Exchanger in java >
Exchanger in java
Future and Callable in java >
Fork/Join framework in thread concurrency tutorial in java >
Fork/Join Framework - Parallel programming in java
BlockingQueue and LinkedBlockingQueue in java >
Solve Consumer Producer problem by using BlockingQueue in multithreading
Custom implementation of LinkedBlockingQueue class which implements BlockingQueue interface
Important Similarity and Differences in thread concurrency tutorial in java >
Differences between execute() and submit() method of executor framework
Difference between synchronized and ReentrantLock
Similarity and Difference between CyclicBarrier and CountDownLatch in Java
Top Thread concurrency Interviews in java >
Serialization And Deserialization Tutorial
What is Serialization in java?
Serializing & DeSerializing objects>
Avoid ObjectInputStream.readObject() from throwing EOFException at End Of File in java
Customizing Serialization process by implementing Serializable and Externalizable/ Difference between them >
Difference between Externalizable and Serialization interface in java
serialVersionUID >
Constructor call during DeSerialization >
Serializing and DeSerializing Singleton >
Preserving Singleton’s state during DeSerialization >
Serializing and DeSerializing primitive data types >
Serializing class of Collection Api’s >
Static and Transient are not serialized >
Significance of using Static and Transient member variables - Static and Transient are not serialized in java
compatible and incompatible changes in Serialization and deSerialization >
compatible and incompatible changes in Serialization and deSerialization process in java
Deep copy in java using Serialization and Deserialization >
Deep copy in java using Serialization and Deserialization
More about Serialization >
Serialization Interviews >
Customizing Serialization process by implementing Serializable and Externalizable >
Avoid ObjectInputStream.readObject() from throwing EOFException at End Of File in java
JDBC- Insert/Store/save IMAGE in database by using PreparedStatement's setBinaryStream and executeUpdate methods, using BLOB data type - in java
JDBC- Retrieve IMAGE from database by using PreparedStatement's executeQuery, ResultSet's getBlob method - using BLOB data type - in java
JDBC- Insert/Store/save FILE in database by using PreparedStatement's executeUpdate and setCharacterStream methods, using CLOB data type - in java
JDBC- Retrieve FILE from database by using PreparedStatement's executeQuery and ResultSet's getClob method, using CLOB data type - in java
RegEx (Regular expression) tutorial with examples in java
Numeric check >
1. how to check string contains numeric value in java using Regex(Regular Expression) program
2. How to check string contains ONLY numeric value in Java using Regex(Regular Expression) program
Alphabet check >
3. How to check string contains at least one alphabets in Java using Regex(Regular Expression) program
4. How to check string contains ONLY alphabets/letters in Java using Regex(Regular Expression) program
Special character check >
5. How to check string contains special characters in Java using Regex(Regular Expression) program
6. How to check string contains ONLY special characters in Java using Regex(Regular Expression) program
Alpha numeric check >