Find Maximum Memory That JVM can use

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In this core java tutorial we will Find Maximum Memory That  JVM (Java virtual machine) Attempts To Use in java.

About maxMemory() method of java.lang.Runtime class in java >
  • maxMemory() method of Runtime class returns maximum amount of memory that the JVM (Java virtual machine) will try to use.
  • maxMemory() is the native method in java.

Example/program to Find Maximum Memory That
JVM (Java virtual machine) Attempts To Use >
* Example/program to Find Maximum Memory That
* JVM (Java virtual machine) AttemptsToUseExample
public class FindMaximumMemoryThatJVMAttemptsToUseExample{
   public static void main(String[] args) {
     * first we will get the java Runtime object using the
     * Runtime class's getRuntime() method in java.
       Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
     * maxMemory() method of Runtime class returns maximum amount
     * of memory that the JVM (Java virtual machine) will try to use
     * maxMemory() is the native method.
       long maximumMemoryThatJVMAttemptsToUse = runtime.maxMemory();
       System.out.println("Maximum Memory That "
                 + "JVM (Java virtual machine) will try to use "
             + "in bytes = "+ maximumMemoryThatJVMAttemptsToUse);
/* output
Maximum Memory That JVM (Java virtual machine) will try to use in bytes = 3797417984

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So in this core java tutorial we got the Maximum Memory That  JVM (Java virtual machine) Attempts To Use in java.


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Labels: Core Java JVM
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