Differences between throw and throws in java

In this post we will be discussing differences between throw and throws

Differences between throw and throws in java >

throw keyword is used to throw an exception explicitly.
throws keyword is used to declare an exception.
throw is used inside method.

Example >
static void m(){
   throw new FileNotFoundException();
throws is used in method declaration.

Example >
static void m() throws FileNotFoundException{
throw is always followed by instanceof Exception class.

Example >
throw new FileNotFoundException()
throws is always followed by name of Exception class.

Example >
throws FileNotFoundException
throw can be used to throw only one exception at time.

Example >
throw new FileNotFoundException()
throws can be used to throw multiple exception at time.

Example >
throws FileNotFoundException, NullPointerException

and many more...
throw cannot propagate exception to calling method.
throws can propagate exception to calling method.

Please see these programs to understand how exception is propagated to calling method.
Program 1 - Handling Exception by throwing it from m() method (using throws keyword) and handling it in try-catch block from where call to method m() was made.

Program 2 - Throwing Exception from m() method and then again throwing it from calling method [ i.e. main method]

Similarities between throw and throws in java >
Though there are not much similarities between two, but both are keywords in java.

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