Differences between throw and throws in java >
throws keyword is used to declare an exception.
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throw is used inside method.
Example >
static void m(){
throw new FileNotFoundException();
throws is used in method declaration.
Example >
static void m() throws FileNotFoundException{
throw is always followed by instanceof Exception class.
Example >
throw new FileNotFoundException()
throws is always followed by name of Exception class.
Example >
throws FileNotFoundException
throw can be used to throw only one exception at time.
Example >
throw new FileNotFoundException()
throws can be used to throw multiple exception at time.
Example >
throws FileNotFoundException, NullPointerException
and many more...
throw cannot propagate exception to calling method.
Please see these programs to understand how exception is propagated to calling method.
Program 1 - Handling Exception by throwing it from m() method (using throws keyword) and handling it in try-catch block from where call to method m() was made.
Program 2 - Throwing Exception from m() method and then again throwing it from calling method [ i.e. main method]
Similarities between throw and throws in java >
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