MongoDB java tutorial - with full programs

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>Program to Create Connection To MongoDb In Java

>Program to Display Collection in MongoDb In Java

>INSERT Document In Collection In MongoDb in java with program

Insert JSON In Collection In MongoDb in java

Insert List/Array in collection In MongoDb in java

Data modelling in MongoDb in java (Multiple table - primary and foreign key - one to one /one to many

>DELETE Document In Collection In MongoDb in java

Delete all Documents From Collection In MongoDb in java

Drop Collection In MongoDb in java

>UPDATE Document In Collection In MongoDb in java

>FIND/SEARCH/Query/Display/Select from Collection In MongoDb in java

Find documents using $in operator In MongoDb in java

Find documents using AND operator, OR operator in  MongoDb in java

Find documents where field is (greater than) using gt and gte operator In MongoDb in java

Find documents where field is (less than) using lt and lte operator In MongoDb in java

Find documents where field is (equals to or not) using eq and ne operator In MongoDb in java

Query single Document From Collection In MongoDb in java

>Save (Insert) image in mongoDb in java, Retrieve image, Display it and save it in local hard disk

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>What is MongoDB - A quick introduction to database

>Difference in MongoDB and RDBMS

>Install,  Create new database, list of all databases, Drop database

Create new collection, list of all collections, Drop collection

>CRUD operations in MongoDB

>Query (read/ display/ find/ search/ select) documents in collection in mongoDB

>Insert in collection(table) in mongoDB

>Update documents in collection in mongoDB

>Delete documents in collection (table) in mongoDB

>Data Modelling,

Aggregation functions (group by) in MongoDB

Relationship in MongoDB

1 - 1 Relationship in MongoDB - One to One

1 - Many Relationship in MongoDB - One to Many

Many - 1 relationship in MongoDB - Many to One

Many-Many relationship in MongoDB

Important >

>Transaction management in MongoDB - How to achieve like ACID transactions in RDBMS

>Database Model reference - DBRefs in MongoDB

>$type aggregation operator in MongoDB

>objectId in MongoDB

>analyze our mongoDB queries using explain() method

>findAndModify() method - Query and Update document atomically in MongoDB

>Map-Reduce function in MongoDB

>Capped collection in MongoDB

>regex (regular expression) in MongoDB

>Insert/ Put list of values in array in existing document/record in MongoDB

>retrieve only specific element from an array, MongoDB help

>UI tool for mongoDB - Installing and using RoboMongo tutorial

>Get names of all keys in collection, add new field in document

>Rename database, Rename collection in MongoDB

>Replication in MongoDb>Sharding in MongoDb - In just 5 minutes

>Backup and restore - In 1 minute

>Monitoring MongoDB statistics - understanding mongostat command

Few more knowledge on MongoDB >

>using HAVING clause like sql in MongoDB, Alter in MongoDB - Add or remove column in collection

>Covered query, ifnull

>IF ELSE, DATES in mongoDB - Inserting date (current and custom) and querying it


>Indexing in mongoDB in detail

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