What are Capped collection in MongoDB

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1) What are capped collection in MongoDB?
Capped collections are of fixed size.

Features of capped collection >
  • Capped collections maintains insertion order, so they provide very high performance for CRUD operations.
  • Performance improvement during CRUD >
    • Insert - Document is inserted directly at last so insertion is quick.
    • Delete - Doesn’t support delete operation. For deletion you can only drop collection (which will delete all documents and collection also)
    • Read/Query - As they maintain insertion order, they don’t need an index to return documents in insertion order.
    • Update - For updation - It’s recommended to create an index so that all documents are not scanned for update.
  • Default index on _id field.
  • Capped collections are also called circular collections. Because once collection size is exhausted it starts deleting the oldest documents automatically.

2) Create capped collection in MongoDB >

capped:true means collection will be capped.
size:9999 is the size of collection in bytes.

3) Create capped collection with limit of documents in MongoDB>
db.createCollection("studentCappedCollection",{capped:true,size:9999, max : 10})

capped:true means collection will be capped.
size:9999 is the size of collection in bytes.
max:10 is the number of documents that collection can have.

4) Find out whether collection is capped or not in MongoDB ?

5) How to convert non-capped collection to capped collection in MongoDB?

We will convert existing student collection into capped collection.

Now, student collection is a capped collection with
  • Its maximum size can be 9999 bytes.
  • Maximum number of documents it can have is 10.

6) query/find/Retrieve documents from capped collection in MongoDB>

First let’s insert in studentCappedCollection>
db.studentCappedCollection.insert({  _id: 1,  X: "ankit"})
db.studentCappedCollection.insert({  _id: 2,  X: "neh"})

Now, let's query documents >
{ "_id" : 1, "X" : "ankit" }
{ "_id" : 2, "X" : "neh" }
So, we see that capped collections maintains insertion order by default.
7) query/find/Retrieve documents in REVERSE order of insertion from capped collection in MongoDB>

Now, let's query documents >
db.studentCappedCollection.find().sort( { $natural: -1 } )
{ "_id" : 2, "X" : "neh" }
{ "_id" : 1, "X" : "ankit" }
So, we retrieved documents from capped collections in reverse order of insertion.

8) Summary -
So in this MongoDB tutorial we learned Capped collections are of fixed size. Capped collections maintains insertion order, so they provide very high performance for CRUD operations.

Create capped collection in MongoDB >
size:9999 is the size of collection in bytes.

Create capped collection with limit of documents in MongoDB>
db.createCollection("studentCappedCollection",{capped:true,size:9999, max : 10})
max:10 is the number of documents that collection can have.

Find out whether collection is capped or not in MongoDB ?

convert non-capped collection to capped collection in MongoDB?

query capped collection in MongoDB>

query documents in REVERSE order of insertion from capped collection>
db.studentCappedCollection.find().sort( { $natural: -1 } )

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What is MongoDB - A quick introduction to database

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