How to Drop collection in MongoDB

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Contents of page >
  • 1) First, see list of all tables (collections) in database in MongoDb >
  • 2) How to Drop collection in MongoDb in MongoDb >

1) First, see list of all tables (collections) in database in MongoDb >
> use myb;
switched to db mydb
> show collections

2) How to Drop collection in MongoDb in MongoDb >
Here we will drop collection employee
> db.employee.drop();

Now, again see list of all tables (collections) in database in MongoDb >
> show collections
You can see that employee collection is dropped.

So in this mongoDB tutorial we learned how to Drop collection in MongoDb.
Use db.employee.drop() to drop collection in MongoDb.

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What is MongoDB - A quick introduction to database

Create new database in mongoDB

Create new collection(table) in mongoDB

Labels: MongoDB
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