Series of JVM and Garbage Collection (GC) in java - Best explanations ever with exclusive summary section

JVM and Garbage collection are most important topics in core java, so I have ensured that I cover these topics in detail to give you indepth knowledge. If you are left with any doubt after reading please share your comments.

Garbage collection in java>

>How Garbage Collection (GC) works internally in detail in java - BEST EXPLANATION EVER

What is JVM >

Different type of garbage collectors in java>

>Serial collector / Serial GC (Garbage collector) in java

>Throughput GC (Garbage collector) or Parallel collector in java

>Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) collector / concurrent low pause garbage collector in java

>G1 garbage collector / Garbage first collector in java

>PS Scavenge and PS MarkSweep

Different between garbage collectors in java>

>Difference between Serial GC vs Throughput GC (Garbage collector) in java

JVM in detail - Garbage collection & heap structure >

>JVM Heap memory (Hotspot heap structure) with diagram in java

Young, Old (tenured) and Permanent Generation >

>What are Young, Old (tenured) and Permanent Generation in JVM in java

Minor, Major and Full garbage collection >

>What are Minor, Major and Full garbage collection in JVM in java

Very Important - Interview question and answers >

Top 50 Garbage collection interview Questions and answers for experienced and freshers

Top 30 JVM(Java Virtual Machine) interview Questions and answers

Important VM parameters >

>Most important and frequently used VM (JVM) PARAMETERS with examples in JVM Heap memory in java

> -Xms and -Xmx

> -Xmn

> -XX:NewRatio,

> -XX:NewSize and -XX:MaxNewSize

> -XX:PermSize and -XX:MaxPermSize

> -verbose:gc and -Xverify option in java

>Solve java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

OutOfMemoryError in java >

OutOfMemoryError in java in lots of detail. Let’s discuss different types of OutOfMemoryError -

  1. >Solve java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : unable to create new native Thread - Xss JVM option

  2. >Exception in thread java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

  3. >java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC Overhead limit exceeded - solved

  4. >How to solve OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit

  5. >OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace Solved

  6. >Solving OutOfMemoryError: “request size bytes for reason. Out of swap space” in java

  7. >OutOfMemoryError: Compressed class space in java

  8. >OutOfMemoryError: reason stack_trace_with_native_method

  9. >OutOfMemoryError : kill process or sacrifice child

More VM parameters >

>How to use -verbose:gc VM argument

>-Xverify option in java

Setting appropriate values of xmx and xms to avoid - Error occurred during initialization of VM >

>Error occurred during initialization of VM - Too small initial heap

>There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue. Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 1048576 bytes for AllocateHeap

Eclipse and VM parameters >

>What is eclipse.ini file? How to pass vmargs to java program in eclipse? Changing the eclipse setting, What are best eclipse setting?

Monitor, analyze garbage collection and fix MEMORY LEAK >

>How to monitor and analyze the garbage collection in 10 ways in java

>Detecting and fixing memory leak in java

TOOLS for Monitoring garbage collection >

>How to use -verbose:gc VM argument

>How to use Jstat for monitoring the garbage collection in java

>What is vmid - and how to find it using JPS

>How to use JHAT to analyze the heat dump - Using jmap as well

>How to generate Heap dump when OutOfMemoryError is thrown in java?

Default garbage collector in java >

>What is default garbage collector for Java 7, 8 and 9

Apache tomcat server,outOfMemory and Garbage collection in java >

>How to set or change permgen size in tomcat server, eclipse?

>How to set, change, increase or decrease heap size in tomcat server and eclipse to avoid OutOfMemoryError ?

>How to pass VM argument to tomcat in eclipse

Pass VM para through CMD, eclipse to java program and to Apache tomcat >

>How to write java program to pass VM/JVM parameters through CMD

>How to pass vmArgs(JVM parameters) to java program in eclipse

>How to pass VM argument to tomcat in eclipse

Few more garbage collection and JVM related tutorials>

What is Java Native Interface(JNI)

Find which garbage collector you are using through cmd and java program

JDK (Java Development Kit), JRE (Java Runtime environment), JVM (java virtual machine), Differences between JDK, JRE and JVM, OpenJDK, JIT Compiler (Just In Time Compiler) internal working

What are Differences between JDK, JRE and JVM

What is JIT Compiler (Just In Time Compiler) in JVM

Is it good practice to call System.gc() in Java?

Why warning - ignoring option PermSize?

Few interesting garbage collection facts >

Static variables are not garbage collected?

Few important java programs related to garbage >

Find out total number of available processors to JVM

Find Total Amount Of Memory In JVM

Find Free Memory Available In Java virtual machine

Find Maximum Memory That JVM can use

How to terminate JVM in java

Very Important - Interview question and answers >

Top 50 Garbage collection interview Questions and answers for experienced and freshers

Top 30 JVM(Java Virtual Machine) interview Questions and answers

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