Working with DATES in mongoDB - Inserting date (current and custom) and querying it

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1) First let's create and insert documents with date field in collection in MongoDB

1.1) Insert date in MongoDB using new Date()
db.employee.insert({_id :1,  firstName:"ank", joining_date : new Date()})
Above will create collection (or table) (if collection already exists it will insert documents in it).

1.2) Insert date in MongoDB using ISODate()
db.employee.insert({_id :2,  firstName:"sam", joining_date : ISODate()})

1.3) Insert custom/userDefined date in MongoDB using new Date()
db.employee.insert({_id :3,  firstName:"neh", joining_date : new Date("2017-03-24T17:00:00.832Z")})

1.4) Insert custom/userDefined date in MongoDB using ISODate()
db.employee.insert({_id :4,  firstName:"amy", joining_date : ISODate("2017-03-23T18:00:00.832Z")})

2) Now, let's query collection in MongoDB

Query all documents of collection using find() method>
Output >
{ "_id" : 1, "firstName" : "ank", "joining_date" : ISODate("2017-04-02T17:11:01.360Z") }
{ "_id" : 2, "firstName" : "sam", "joining_date" : ISODate("2017-04-02T17:11:01.367Z") }
{ "_id" : 3, "firstName" : "neh", "joining_date" : ISODate("2017-03-24T17:00:00.832Z") }
{ "_id" : 4, "firstName" : "amy", "joining_date" : ISODate("2017-03-23T18:00:00.832Z") }

3) Find employee whose joining date is equal to "2017-04-02T17:11:01.360Z" in MongoDB

3.1) using new Date()
db.employee.find( { joining_date :  new Date("2017-04-02T17:11:01.360Z") } )
{ "_id" : 1, "firstName" : "ank", "joining_date" : ISODate("2017-04-02T17:11:01.360Z") }

3.2) using ISODate()
db.employee.find( { joining_date :  new ISODate("2017-04-02T17:11:01.360Z") } )
{ "_id" : 1, "firstName" : "ank", "joining_date" : ISODate("2017-04-02T17:11:01.360Z") }

4) Find employee whose joining date is greater than "2017-03-25T17:00:00.832Z" in MongoDB
db.employee.find( { joining_date : {$gt : new Date("2017-03-25T17:00:00.832Z") } } )
{ "_id" : 1, "firstName" : "ank", "joining_date" : ISODate("2017-04-02T17:11:01.360Z") }
{ "_id" : 2, "firstName" : "sam", "joining_date" : ISODate("2017-04-02T17:11:01.367Z") }

5) Summary -
So in this MongoDB tutorial we learned how to Working with DATES in mongoDB - Inserting date (current and custom) and querying it.

First insert documents with date field in collection in MongoDB

Insert date in MongoDB
db.employee.insert({_id :1,  firstName:"ank", joining_date : new Date()})
db.employee.insert({_id :2,  firstName:"sam", joining_date : ISODate()})

Insert custom/userDefined date in MongoDB using new Date()
db.employee.insert({_id :3,  firstName:"neh", joining_date : new Date("2017-03-24T17:00:00.832Z")})
db.employee.insert({_id :4,  firstName:"amy", joining_date : ISODate("2017-03-23T18:00:00.832Z")})

Find employee whose joining date is equal to "2017-04-02T17:11:01.360Z"
db.employee.find( { joining_date :  new Date("2017-04-02T17:11:01.360Z") } )

Find employee whose joining date is greater than "2017-03-25T17:00:00.832Z"
db.employee.find( { joining_date : {$gt : new Date("2017-03-25T17:00:00.832Z") } } )

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Labels: MongoDB
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