Contents of page >
- 1) Indexing in collection (table) in mongoDB >
- 2) Create index on multiple fields(compound index) in collection in MongoDB
1) Indexing in collection (table) in mongoDB >
Let's create collection and insert records in it before indexing>
> db.employee.insert({empId : 1, firstName:"ankit"})
> db.employee.insert({empId : 2, firstName:"sam"})
First line above will create table (or collection) (if collection already exists it will insert records in it).
1.6) Now, let’s create index on field empId >
> db.employee.ensureIndex({empId : 1})
Now, index have been created on field empId.
Here 1 is to create index in ascending order.
You can also use -1 is to create index in descending order.
2) Create index on multiple fields(compound index) in collection in MongoDB >
> db.employee.ensureIndex({empId : 1}, {firstName : 1})
Now, index have been created on field empId and firstName.
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What is MongoDB - A quick introduction to database
Indexing MongoDB