Contents of page >
- 1) See list of all databases in MongoDb>
- 2) You can switch any of above db by using command
Also Read : Create new database in mongoDB
1) See list of all databases in MongoDb>
> show dbs
> show databases
> db.getMongo().getDBNames()
Output by executing any of the above command will be like this >
> show dbs
admin 0.078GB
local 0.078GB
mydb 0.078GB
testdb 0.078GB
yourdb 0.078GB
2) You can switch any of above db by using command >
use testdb; It will switch to testdb.
> use testdb;
switched to db testdb
So in this mongoDB tutorial we learned how to
1) See list of all databases in MongoDb> show dbs
2) You can switch any of above db by using command in MongoDb>
use testdb; It will switch to testdb.
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What is MongoDB - A quick introduction to database
Create new database in mongoDB