Create new database in mongoDB

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1) Create new database in mongoDB>

Once you are connected to mongoDB

MongoDB shell version: 3.0.6
connecting to: test     (Now, you are CONNECTED)
> use mydb
switched to db mydb

We created new database(if not exists) in mongoDB named mydb

2) See list of all databases in MongoDb>
> show dbs
admin   0.078GB
local   0.078GB
mydb    0.078GB
testdb  0.078GB
yourdb  0.078GB
You can see mydb which you have created.

3) You can switch any of above db by using command in MongoDb>
use testdb;    It will switch to testdb.  
> use testdb;
switched to db testdb

So in this mongoDB tutorial we learned how to
1) Create new database in mongoDB>
use mydb
2) See list of all databases in MongoDb>
show dbs
3) You can switch any of above db by using command in MongoDb>
use testdb;    It will switch to testdb.  

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