objectId in MongoDB

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1) What is ObjectId in MongoDB?
ObjectId is of 12-byte hexadecimal string.

This is what ObjectId looks like > ObjectId(“hexadecimal”)
Example > ObjectId("584ebed11127dea5ece72742")

Let’s see what exactly ObjectId consists of >
  • First 4-byte  - represents the seconds since the Unix epoch,
  • Next 3-byte - represents machine identifier,
  • Next 2-byte - represents process id, and
  • Next 3-byte - represents random value.

2) Inserting in collection in MongoDB >
> db.employee.insert({ firstName:"ankit"})
Above line will create collection (if collection already exists it will insert records in it).

Let's query collection >
> db.employee.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("588341b303b0c717da77d641"), "firstName" : "ankit" }
We can see that field _id is formed automatically. Its value is ObjectId("588341b303b0c717da77d641")

3) Creating new ObjectId() in MongoDB>
Method ObjectId() - Returns the hexadecimal string representation of the object.

To generate a new ObjectId, Simply type ObjectId() with no argument and execute it
obj = ObjectId()

So, value of obj is -

4) Creating custom/own ObjectId() in MongoDB>
To generate a ObjectId of your choice, Simply type ObjectId(“HexadecimalString”) with hexadecimal string of 12 bytes.
But, we need to ensure that HexadecimalString is unique otherwise error - ‘errmsg" : "E11000 duplicate key error index’ will be thrown.
myObj = ObjectId("123456aa01b0c234da56d789")

So, value of myObj is -

5) Now, Insert own objectId in collection in MongoDB >
> db.employee.insert({ _id :ObjectId("123341b303b0c717da77d123"),firstName:"ankit"})

6) How to find ObjectId was created at what time in MongoDB?
As we read above that first 4-byte  - represents the seconds since the Unix epoch,
Use getTimestamp() method.
time = ObjectId("588341b303b0c717da77d641").getTimestamp()

So, value of time is -

7) How to convert ObjectId to string in MongoDB?
Use str
x = ObjectId("588341b303b0c717da77d641").str

So, value of x is -

8) SUMMARY of ObjectId in MongoDB>
So in this mongoDB tutorial we learned about objectId in MongoDB.
1) What is ObjectId in MongoDB?
ObjectId is of 12-byte hexadecimal string.
Example of > ObjectId("584ebed11127dea5ece72742")
  • First 4-byte  - represents the seconds since the Unix epoch,
  • Next 3-byte - represents machine identifier,
  • Next 2-byte - represents process id, and
  • Next 3-byte - represents random value.

2) Inserting in collection in MongoDB >
> db.employee.insert({ firstName:"ankit"})
Let's query collection >
> db.employee.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("588341b303b0c717da77d641"), "firstName" : "ankit" }

3) Creating new ObjectId() in MongoDB>
obj = ObjectId()

4) Creating custom/own ObjectId() in MongoDB>
myObj = ObjectId("123456aa01b0c234da56d789")

5) Now, Insert own objectId in collection in MongoDB >
db.employee.insert({ _id :ObjectId("123341b303b0c717da77d123"),firstName:"ankit"})

6) How to find ObjectId was created at what time in MongoDB?
Use getTimestamp() method.
time = ObjectId("588341b303b0c717da77d641").getTimestamp()

7) How to convert ObjectId to string in MongoDB?
x = ObjectId("588341b303b0c717da77d641").str

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Labels: MongoDB
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