Contents of page :
- 1) What is eclipse.ini file? How to pass vmargs to eclipse?
- 2) Location of eclipse.ini file?
- 2.1) Location of eclipse.ini file on windows OS?
- 2.2) Location of eclipse.ini file on Linux OS?
- 2.3) Location of eclipse.ini file on Mac OS?
- 3) Eclipse.ini contents >
- 4) Passing vmArgs(VM parameters) to java program in eclipse >
- 5) Changing the eclipse setting
- 6) What are best eclipse setting?
1) What is eclipse.ini file? How to pass vmargs to eclipse?
The file eclipse.ini contains the information which is passed to >
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM) as vmargs (because when eclipse is started it loads JVM as well) and
- Eclipse platform as well.
2) Location of eclipse.ini file?
2.1) Location of eclipse.ini file on windows OS?
eclipse.ini file is located in eclipse directory in Windows OS.
2.2) Location of eclipse.ini file on Linux OS?
eclipse.ini file is located in eclipse directory in Linux OS.
2.3) Location of eclipse.ini file on Mac OS?
eclipse.ini file is located in in Mac OS.
3) Eclipse.ini contents >
It contains eclipse start up information,
- -Xms (-Xms is minimum heap size which is allocated at initialization of JVM),
- -Xmx (-Xmx is the maximum heap size that JVM can use. )
Learn what are -Xms and -Xmx JVM parameters in java, and differences between them with examples
Permanent generation Space contains metadata required by JVM to describe the classes and methods used in the application.
The permanent generation space is populated at runtime by JVM based on classes in use in the application.
The permanent generation space also contains Java SE library classes and methods.
- -XX:PermSize: It’s is initial value of Permanent Space which is allocated at startup of JVM..
- -XX:MaxPermSize: It’s maximum value of Permanent Space that JVM can allot up to.
Learn more about what are -XX:PermSize and -XX:MaxPermSize JVM parameters with examples in java.
4) Passing vmArgs(VM parameters) to java program in eclipse >
You may also pass vmargs to eclipse by going to
Run, Run configurations...,
Then, Go to Arguments and type VM arguments: >
Apply and Run.
You may enter multiple VM arguments separated by space >
5) Changing the eclipse setting
You may pass the different VM parameters (vmargs) in eclipse.ini and change the eclipse settings.
6) What are best eclipse setting?
Best eclipse setting may differ based on the configurations of system you are using.
Here are the setting which I use
You may change the setting by passing different vmargs.
- Learn what are vmargs (all the available vmargs - which may even allow you change the type of garbage collector you are using),
So in this core java tutorial we learned about eclipse.ini file? passed vmargs to java program in eclipse? Changed the eclipse setting and also learned what are best eclipse setting?
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