java program to pass VM/JVM parameters through CMD

Contents of page :
  • 1) Writing and executing java program through CMD in windows >
  • 2) Now, we will pass VM parameters to java program through CMD >
    • Example 1 (Passing single JVM parameters)  - Passing -Xms
    • Example 2  (Passing single JVM parameters)  - Passing -Xmx
    • Example 3 (Passing multiple VM/JVM parameters) - Passing -Xms and -Xmx

1) Writing and executing java program through CMD in windows >
Let’s write first class >
public class MyJavaProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("This is my Java Program");

Let’s say above code in file =  E:\

Go to CMD and type below commands >



Directory of .class file = E:\MyJavaProgram.class

2) Now, we will pass VM parameters to java program through CMD >

Example 1 (Passing single JVM parameters)  - Passing -Xms

E:\>java -Xms512m MyJavaProgram
This is my Java Program


Example 2  (Passing single JVM parameters)  - Passing -Xmx

E:\>java -Xms512m  -Xmx1024m MyJavaProgram
This is my Java Program


Example 3 (Passing multiple VM/JVM parameters) - Passing -Xms and -Xmx

E:\>java -Xms512m  -Xmx1024m MyJavaProgram
This is my Java Program


Learn how to pass vmargs (VM parameters) to java program in eclipse?

So in this core java tutorial we learned how to write java program to pass VM/JVM parameters through CMD.

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/** Copyright (c), AnkitMittal */


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