Let’s start serialization tutorial by understanding what is Serialization. Serialization is process of converting object into byte stream.
Serialized object (byte stream) can be:
>Transferred over network.
>Persisted/saved into file.
>Persisted/saved into database.
Once, object have have been transferred over network or persisted in file or in database, we could deserialize the object and retain its state as it is in which it was serialized.
In series of Serialization tutorial we’ll read following topics in depth with programs >
Serializing & DeSerializing >
Customizing Serialization process by implementing Serializable and Externalizable/ Difference between them >
Difference between Externalizable and Serialization interface in java
serialVersionUID >
Constructor call during DeSerialization >
Serializing and DeSerializing Singleton >
Preserving Singleton’s state during DeSerialization >
Serializing and DeSerializing primitive data types >
Serializing class of Collection Api’s >
Static and Transient are not serialized >
Significance of using Static and Transient member variables - Static and Transient are not serialized in java
compatible and incompatible changes in Serialization and deSerialization >
compatible and incompatible changes in Serialization and deSerialization process in java
Deep copy in java using Serialization and Deserialization >
Deep copy in java using Serialization and Deserialization
More about Serialization >
Serialization Interviews >