Collection framework Tutorial in java in detail with diagrams and programs

Basic Collection tutorial in core java >

Collection tutorial in java

List tutorial in java >

java.utilArrayList tutorial in java

java.util.LinkedList tutorial in java

Set tutorial in java >

java.util.HashSet tutorial in java

EnumSet tutorial in java with program

Map tutorial in java >

HashMap tutorial in java

ConcurrentHashMap tutorial in java - with Segments formation in detail with diagram

IdentityHashMap tutorial in java with program

WeakHashMap tutorial in java

EnumMap tutorial in java with program

Basic Collection tutorial in core java - All properties in tabular form >

Collection tutorial in java - java.util.List, java.util.Set and java.util.Map all properties in tabular form

Collection framework java tutorial : Collection hierarchy in core java >

List hierarchy tutorial in java - Detailed - java.util.ArrayList, java.util.LinkedList, java.util.vector, java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList classes

Set hierarchy tutorial in java - Detailed - java.util.HashSet, java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet, java.util.LinkedHashSet, java.util.TreeSet, java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet, java.util.EnumSet classes

Map hierarchy tutorial in java - Detailed - java.util.HashMap, java.util.Hashtable, java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap, java.util.LinkedHashMap, java.util.TreeMap, java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap, java.util.IdentityHashMap, java.util.WeakHashMap, java.util.EnumMap classes

ConcurrentModificationException , Fail-fast and Fail-safe >

ConcurrentModificationException, Fail-fast and Fail-safe in detail in java

Collection framework java tutorial : Important Collection - Similarity and Differences in core java >

Difference between List, Set and Map in java

List Differences tutorial in java >

ArrayList vs LinkedList - Similarity and Differences in java

ArrayList vs Vector - Similarity and Differences in java

List vs Set - Similarity and Differences in java

Map Differences tutorial in java >

Similarity and Differences between HashMap and Hashtable in java

Similarity and Differences between HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap - in java

HashMap vs Hashtable vs LinkedHashMap vs TreeMap - Differences in java

Similarity and Differences between HashMap vs IdentityHashMap - with program in java

Differences between few more important Collection framework classes in java >

Collection vs Collections - Differences between in java

Similarity and Differences between Iterator vs ListIterator - in java

Differences and similarities between Iterator vs Enumeration - in java

Convert Array to list, list to array,
Array to set, Set to array in java>

How to convert ArrayList to HashSet and Set to Array in Java examples

convert Array to Set and Set to array in Java

How to convert Array to List and ArrayList to array in Java

Map to List conversion >

How to convert Map to List in java

Synchronize ArrayList - collection framework tutorial in java tutorial >

What is default capacity of ArrayList and Vector, and how they are resized in collection framework tutorial in core java >

Collection framework java tutorial : Important Similarity and Differences Collection classes in concurrent and non-concurrent packages in java >

ArrayList vs CopyOnWriteArrayList - Similarity and Differences with program in java

HashSet vs CopyOnWriteArraySet - Similarity and Differences with program in java

TreeSet vs ConcurrentSkipListSet - Similarity and Differences with program in java

TreeMap vs ConcurrentSkipListMap - Similarity and Differences with program in java

Collection framework java tutorial : Sorting Collection by implementing comparator and Comparable, using TreeMap and TreeSet, Collections.sort and Arrays.sort tutorial in java >

Comparable vs Comparator - differences and sorting list by implementing Comparable and Comparator in classes and inner classes in java

Arrays.sort to sort arrays by implementing Comparator and how Comparator of superclass can be used by subclasses in java

Sort Set by using TreeSet and by implementing Comparator and Comparable interface in java

Sort Map by key in Ascending and descending order by implementing Comparator interface and overriding its compare method and using TreeMap in java

Sort Map by value in Ascending and descending order by implementing Comparator interface and overriding its compare method in java

Consequence and advantage of using ArrayList and Vector tutorial in multithreading environment in java >

Consequence of using ArrayList in multithreading environment in java

Advantage of using Vector in multithreading environment in java

>>>> Collection framework Programs and examples in core java >>>>

java.util.ArrayList Programs in java >
>ArrayList tutorial - add, add element at specific index methods program in java
>ArrayList tutorial - remove, get, contains and set methods program in java
>ArrayList tutorial - iterate using iterator, listIterator, Enumeration and enhanced for loop in java
>ArrayList tutorial - fail-safe or fail-fast iteration using iterator, listIterator, Enumeration and enhanced for loop example in java
>ArrayList tutorial - isEmpty, size and clear methods program in java
>ArrayList tutorial - synchronizing using Collections.synchronizedList example in java

>ArrayList tutorial - making list unmodifiable using Collections.unmodifiableList example in java

LinkedList Programs in java >

java.util.Vector Programs in java >

>Vector tutorial - add, add element at specific index methods program in java
>Vector tutorial - remove, get, contains and set methods program in java
>Vector tutorial - iterate using iterator, listIterator, Enumeration and enhanced for loop example in java
>Vector tutorial - fail-safe or fail-fast iteration using iterator, listIterator, Enumeration and enhanced for loop example in java

Hashtable Programs in java >

java.util.TreeMap Programs in java >

LinkedHashMap Programs in java >

java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap Programs in java >

Program to use ConcurrentHashMap’s putIfAbsent method in java

Program to create method that provides functionality similar to putIfAbsent method of ConcurrentHashMap and to be used with HashMap in java

Programs to sort Collection framework classes in java >>

Collection framework java tutorial : Different approaches/Programs to Sort List in java >
Program to sort Employee list on basis of name in ascending order by implementing Comparable interface and overriding its compareTo method in java

Program to sort Employee list on basis of name in descending order by implementing Comparable interface and overriding its compareTo method in java

Program to sort Employee list on basis of name in ascending order by implementing Comparator interface and overriding its compare method in java

Program to sort Employee list on basis of name in descending order by implementing Comparator interface and overriding its compare method in java

Program to sort Employee list on basis of name and id in ascending order by implementing Comparator interface and overriding its compare method in java

Program to sort Employee list on basis of name and id in ascending order by implementing Comparator interface in inner and static inner class and overriding its compare method in java

Collection framework java tutorial : Different approaches/Programs to Sort Arrays in java >
Program to sort Integer array using Arrays.sort (by default Arrays.sort will sort array in ascending order) in java

Program to sort Integer array by using Arrays.sort (we will define Comparator to sort elements in descending order) in java

Program to sort Employee array using Arrays.sort in ascending order on basis of name and id by implementing Comparator interface in java

Program to understand Comparator of superclass can be used by subclasses in java

Collection framework java tutorial : Different approaches/Programs to Sort Set in java >
Program to Sort Set by using TreeSet(by default elements are sorted in ascending order), where elements are Integer type in java

Program to Sort Set by using TreeSet(we will define Comparator to sort elements in descending order), where elements are Integer type in java.

Program to Sort Set in Ascending order by using TreeSet and implementing Comparable interface, where elements are customObject/Employee type in java.

Program to Sort Set in Ascending order by using TreeSet and implementing Comparator interface, where elements are customObject/Employee type in java.

TreeMap’s addAll method to sort java Collection framework classes in java

TreeMap’s constructor to sort java Collection framework classes in java

Collection framework java tutorial : Different approaches/Programs to Sort Map by key in java >

Program to Sort Map by key in Ascending order by implementing Comparator interface and overriding its compare method in java

Program to Sort Map by key in Descending order by implementing Comparator interface and overriding its compare method in java

Program to Sort Map by key in Ascending order by using TreeMap, where key is Integer type in java.

Program to Sort Map by key in Ascending order by using TreeMap and implementing Comparable interface, where key is customObject/Employee type in java

Program to Sort Map by key in descending order by using TreeMap and implementing Comparator interface, where key is Integer type in java

TreeMap’s putAll method to sort map on basis of key in java

TreeMap’s constructor to sort map on basis of key in java

Collection framework java tutorial : Different approaches/Programs to Sort Map by value in java >

Program to Sort Map by value in Ascending order by implementing Comparator interface and overriding its compare method in java

Program to Sort Map by value in Descending order by implementing Comparator interface and overriding its compare method in java

Summary -
In this core java tutorial we learned about exception handling in java in detail.

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Thread Tutorial in java

Thread Concurrency Tutorial in java

Exceptions Tutorial in java in detail with diagrams and programs

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