In this Collection framework tutorial we will learn what is java.util.IdentityHashMap in Collection framework in java.
Contents of page :
- 9.1) Iterate over keys -
- 9.2) Iterate over values -
- 9.3) Iterate over Entry-
1) What is hierarchy of IdentityHashMap in java?
For more detailed hierarchy information read : Map hierarchy in java
2) java.util.IdentityHashMap
IdentityHashMap enables us to store data in key-value pair form.
IdentityHashMap when comparing keys (and values) performs reference-equality in place of object-equality. In an IdentityHashMap, two keys k1 and k2 are equal if and only if (k1==k2). (In normal Map implementations (like HashMap) two keys k1 and k2 are considered equal if and only if (k1==null ? k2==null : k1.equals(k2)).)
Constructs a new IdentityHashMap, with maximum size of 21.
Map<Integer,String> identityHashMap=new IdentityHashMap<Integer,String>();
Defining IdentityHashMap<Integer,String> means key can of Integer type and value can be String type only, using any other type will cause compilation error.
4) put element in java.util.IdentityHashMap
put(K key, V value)
Method allows you put specified key-value pair in IdentityHashMap. If the map already contains a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced.
identityHashMap.put(11, "audi");
5) get elements from IdentityHashMap
get(Object key)
Method returns value corresponding to key.
Method returns null if map does not contain key.
Method returns element on 2nd index.
6) Remove element from IdentityHashMap
remove(Object key)
Method removes key-value pair from IdentityHashMap.
7) contains element in IdentityHashMap
contains(Object object)
Method returns true if IdentityHashMap contains specified on specified index.
Method returns element on 2nd index.
8) Size of java.util.IdentityHashMap
Method returns size of IdentityHashMap.
will print size of IdentityHashMap.
9) Iterate over java.util.IdentityHashMap >
Before iterating we will put 3 key-value pairs in IdentityHashMap.
identityHashMap.put(11, "audi");
identityHashMap.put(21, "bmw");
identityHashMap.put(31, "ferrari");
9.1) Iterate over keys -
IdentityHashMap.keySet().iterator() method returns iterator to iterate over keys in IdentityHashMap.
Iterator<Integer> keyIterator=identityHashMap.keySet().iterator();
Iteration using enhanced for loop.
IdentityHashMap.keySet() returns set of keys.
Set<Integer> keySet=identityHashMap.keySet();
for(Integer key :keySet){
iterator returned is fail fast. Means any structural modification made to IdentityHashMap like adding or removing elements during Iteration will throw java.util.ConcurrentModificationException.
Iterator<String> iterator=identityHashMap.iterator();
IdentityHashMap.put(4, "d");
9.2) Iterate over values -
IdentityHashMap.values().iterator() method returns iterator to iterate over keys in IdentityHashMap.
Iterator<String> valueIterator=identityHashMap.values().iterator();
Iteration using enhanced for loop.
IdentityHashMap.values() returns collection of values.
Collection<String> collection=identityHashMap.values();
for(String value :collection){
iterator returned is fail fast. Means any structural modification made to IdentityHashMap like adding or removing elements during Iteration will throw java.util.ConcurrentModificationException.
Iterator<String> iterator=identityHashMap.iterator();
IdentityHashMap.put(4, "d");
9.3) Iterate over Entry-
IdentityHashMap.entrySet().iterator() method returns iterator to iterate over keys in IdentityHashMap.
Iterator<Entry<Integer, String>> entryIterator=identityHashMap.entrySet().iterator();
Iteration using enhanced for loop.
IdentityHashMap.entrySet() returns collection of values.
Set<Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet=identityHashMap.entrySet();
for(Entry<Integer, String> entry:entrySet){
iterator returned is fail fast. Means any structural modification made to IdentityHashMap like adding or removing elements during Iteration will throw java.util.ConcurrentModificationException.
10) Some other important methods of java.util.WeakHashMap
isEmpty() method returns true if this map contains any key-value pair.
clear() method removes all key-value pair from map.
11) synchronizing java.util.IdentityHashMap
We can synchronize IdentityHashMap by using Collections’s class synchronizedList method.
Map synchronizedMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(IdentityHashMap);
Now, no 2 threads can access same instance of map concurrently.
12) Complexity of methods in java.util.IdentityHashMap
Operation/ method
Worst case
Best case
put(K key, V value)
get(Object key)
13) Features of java.util.IdentityHashMap
- IdentityHashMap enables us to store data in key-value pair form.
- IdentityHashMap is implementation of the interface.
- Null elements - One null key can be added. And null values are also allowed.
- Insertion order - Does not maintains insertion order.
Let’s say we add 3 elements in IdentityHashMap
On displaying insertion order will not be maintained i.e.
- synchronized - It is not synchronized (because 2 threads on same IdentityHashMap object can access it at same time).
14) When to use java.util.IdentityHashMap
- While storing key-value we want keys (and values) comparison to be performed on basis of reference-equality in place of object-equality.
- IdentityHashMap can be used when we want to maintain proxy objects. For example, we might need to maintain proxy object for each object debugged in the program.
- IdentityHashMap can be used when we want to store only one null key.
- IdentityHashMap can be used when value corresponding to key might be null.
- IdentityHashMap can be used when we don’t care about insertion order.
- IdentityHashMap can be used when we are not working in multithreading environment.
15) Example/ Program to show comparing keys (and values) performs reference-equality in place of object-equality. In an IdentityHashMap, two keys k1 and k2 are equal if and only if (k1==k2)
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class IdentityHashMapExample {
public static void main(String args[]){
Map<String,String> identityHashMap=new IdentityHashMap<String,String>();
identityHashMap.put(new String("a"), "audi");
identityHashMap.put(new String("a"), "ferrari");
{a=audi, a=ferrari}
reference-equality >
new String("a") == new String("a") returns false.
object-equality >
new String("a").equals(new String("a")) returns true.
As IdentityHashMap performs reference-equality two keys gets stored in IdentityHashMap.
16) Example/ Program to show overridden equals() and hashCode() method are not called while storing object in IdentityHashMap -
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
class Emp{
String name;
Emp(String name){;
public int hashCode(){
System.out.println("in hashCode()");
return ( ? 0: );
public boolean equals(Object obj){
System.out.println("in equals()");
Emp emp=(Emp)obj;
return ( ||;
public class IdentityHashMapExample {
public static void main(String args[]){
Map<Emp,String> identityHashMap=new IdentityHashMap<Emp,String>();
identityHashMap.put(new Emp("a"), "audi");
identityHashMap.put(new Emp("a"), "bmw");
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> size = "+identityHashMap.size());
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> identityHashMap.get(new Emp(\"a\")) = "+identityHashMap.get(new Emp("a")));
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> size = 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> identityHashMap.get(new Emp("a")) = null
So in this Collection framework tutorial we learned what is java.util.IdentityHashMap in Collection framework in java.
/** Copyright (c), AnkitMittal */
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