ConcurrentHashMap in java - with Segments formation in detail with diagram

In this Collection framework tutorial we will learn what is java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap in Collection framework in java.

Contents of page :

1) java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap in java
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap is implementation of the java.util.Map interface in java.
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap enables us to store data in key-value pair form. Insertion order of key-value pairs is not maintained. ConcurrentHashMap is synchronized in java.

2) What is hierarchy of ConcurrentHashMap in java?

For more detailed hierarchy information read : Map hierarchy in java

3) Creating java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap (using constructor)
Constructs a new ConcurrentHashMap, Its initial capacity is 16. And load factor is 0.75 (We’ll discuss it later in post)
Map<Integer,String> concurrentHashMap=new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer,String>();
Defining ConcurrentHashMap<Integer,String> means key can of Integer type and value can be String type only, using any other type will cause compilation error.

4) What is concurrency level in java? What is default concurrency level of java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap?
Concurrency level tells how many threads can access ConcurrentHashMap concurrently, default concurrency level of ConcurrentHashMap is 16.
new ConcurrentHashMap()
Creates a new ConcurrentHashMap with concurrency level of 16.

5) How ConcurrentHashMap works? Can 2 threads on same ConcurrentHashMap object access it concurrently in java?
ConcurrentHashMap is divided into different segments based on concurrency level. So different threads can access different segments concurrently in java.

Can threads read the segment of ConcurrentHashMap locked by some other thread in java?
Yes. When thread locks one segment for updation it does not block it for retrieval (done by get method) hence some other thread can read the segment (by get method), but it will be able to read the data before locking.

For operations such as putAll concurrent retrievals may reflect removal of only some entries.
For operations such as clear concurrent retrievals may reflect removal of only some entries.

6) Segments in ConcurrentHashMap with diagram in java >
we have ConcurrentHashMap with 4 segments -
(Diagram shows how segments are formed in ConcurrentHashMap)

Now let’s form few questions to clear your doubts (based on above diagram) in java >

ConcurrentHashMap Question 1 : What will happen map.put(25,12) is called and some other thread concurrently calls map.get(25)?
Answer : When map.put(25,12) is called segment 2 will be locked,
key=25 also lies in segment 2, When thread locks one segment for updation it does not block it for retrieval hence some other thread can read the same segment, but it will be able to read the data before locking (hence map.get(25) will return 121)

ConcurrentHashMap Question 2 : What will happen map.put(25,12) is called and some other thread concurrently calls map.get(33)?
Answer : When map.put(25,12) is called segment 2 will be locked,
key=33 also lies in segment 2, When thread locks one segment for updation it does not block it for retrieval hence some other thread can read the same segment, but it will be able to read the data before locking (hence map.get(33) will return 15)

ConcurrentHashMap Question 3 : What will happen map.put(25,12) is called and some other thread concurrently calls map.put(33,24)?
Answer : When map.put(25,12) is called segment 2 will be locked,
key=33 also lies in segment 2, When thread locks one segment for updation it does not allow any other thread to perform updations in same segment until lock is not released on segment.
hence map.put(33,24) will have to wait for map.put(25,12) operation to release lock on segment.

ConcurrentHashMap Question 4 : What will happen map.put(25,12) is called and some other thread concurrently calls map.put(30,29)?
Answer : When map.put(25,12) is called segment 2 will be locked,
but key=30 lies in segment 3.
Both the kays lies in different segments, hence both operations can be performed concurrently.

ConcurrentHashMap Question 5 : What will happen updations (put/remove) are in process in certain segments and new key-pair have to be put/remove in same segment ?
Answer : When updations are in process thread locks the segment and it does not allow any other thread to perform updations (put/remove) in same segment until lock is not released on segment.

Let’s summarize above section >
What operations lock ConcurrentHashMap segment & what operations are allowed when ConcurrentHashMap segment is locked in java >
  • thread locks one segment for updation (put/remove) & it does not block it for retrieval (get) hence some other thread can read the same segment, but it will be able to read the data before locking
  • It’s important to know get operations does not lock any segment.

7) ConcurrentHashMap putIfAbsent method in java
Definition of putIfAbsent method in java >
public V putIfAbsent(K key, V value)

What do putIfAbsent method do>
If map does not contain specified key, put specified key-value pair in map and return null in java.
If map already contains specified key, return value corresponding to specified key.

putIfAbsent method is equivalent to writing following code in java >
synchronized (map){
    if (!map.containsKey(key))
      return map.put(key, value);
      return map.get(key);

Program 1 to use java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap’s putIfAbsent method in java >
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
/** Copyright (c), AnkitMittal */
public class ConcurrentHashMapTest {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> concurrentHashMap =
                                       new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String>();
      concurrentHashMap.put(1, "javaMadeSoEasy");
      System.out.println("concurrentHashMap : "+concurrentHashMap);
      System.out.println("\n putIfAbsent method >> "+
                          concurrentHashMap.putIfAbsent(1, "ankit"));
      System.out.println("concurrentHashMap : "+concurrentHashMap);
      System.out.println("\n putIfAbsent method >> "+
                          concurrentHashMap.putIfAbsent(2, "audi"));
      System.out.println("concurrentHashMap : "+concurrentHashMap);
concurrentHashMap : {1=javaMadeSoEasy}
putIfAbsent method >> javaMadeSoEasy
concurrentHashMap : {1=javaMadeSoEasy}

putIfAbsent method >> null
concurrentHashMap : {2=audi, 1=javaMadeSoEasy}

concurrentHashMap.putIfAbsent(1, "ankit") > returned javaMadeSoEasy because map was already having that key in java.

concurrentHashMap.putIfAbsent(2, "audi") > putted specified key-value pair in map and  returned null because map wasn’t having that key in java.

Program 2 to create method that provides functionality similar to putIfAbsent method of ConcurrentHashMap and to be used with java.util.HashMap in java >
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
/** Copyright (c), AnkitMittal */
public class HashMapTest {
   static Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
   public static void main(String args[]) {
          map.put(1, "javaMadeSoEasy");
          System.out.println("hashMap : "+map);
          System.out.println("\n functionalityOfPutIfAbsent method >> "+
                              functionalityOfPutIfAbsent(1, "ankit"));
          System.out.println("hashMap : "+map);
          System.out.println("\n functionalityOfPutIfAbsent method >> "+
                              functionalityOfPutIfAbsent(2, "audi"));
          System.out.println("hashMap : "+map);

   * Method is created to be used with HashMap, And
   * method provides functionality similar to putIfAbsent
   * method of ConcurrentHashMap.
   public static synchronized String functionalityOfPutIfAbsent(Integer key,String value){
           if (!map.containsKey(key))
             return map.put(key, value);
             return map.get(key);
hashMap : {1=javaMadeSoEasy}
functionalityOfPutIfAbsent method >> javaMadeSoEasy
hashMap : {1=javaMadeSoEasy}
functionalityOfPutIfAbsent method >> null
hashMap : {1=javaMadeSoEasy, 2=audi}
Please note functionalityOfPutIfAbsent method is synchronized, because this method provides same functionality as that of ConcurrentHashMap’s putIfAbsent method and all methods in ConcurrentHashMap are synchronized.

functionalityOfPutIfAbsent(1, "ankit") > returned javaMadeSoEasy because map was already having that key in java.

functionalityOfPutIfAbsent(2, "audi") > putted specified key-value pair in map and  returned null because map wasn’t having that key in java.

8) put element in java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
put(K key, V value)
Method allows you put specified key-value pair in ConcurrentHashMap. If the map already contains a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced.
concurrentHashMap.put(11, "audi");

9) get elements from ConcurrentHashMap in java
get(Object key)
Method returns value corresponding to key.
Method returns null if map does not contain key.

Method returns element on 2nd index.
10) Remove element from ConcurrentHashMap in java
remove(Object key)
Method removes key-value pair from ConcurrentHashMap.

11) contains element in ConcurrentHashMap
contains(Object object)
Method returns true if HAshmap contains specified on specified index.

Method returns element on 2nd index.
12) Size of java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap in java
Method returns size of ConcurrentHashMap.

will print size of concurrentHashMap.

13) Iterate over java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap in java
Before iterating we will put 3 key-value pairs in concurrentHashMap.
      concurrentHashMap.put(11, "audi");
   concurrentHashMap.put(21, "bmw");
   concurrentHashMap.put(31, "ferrari");

13.1) Iterate over keys in java -
concurrentHashMap.keySet().iterator() method returns iterator to iterate over keys in ConcurrentHashMap.

Iterator<Integer> keyIterator=concurrentHashMap.keySet().iterator();


Iteration using enhanced for loop in java.
concurrentHashMap.keySet() returns set of keys.
Set<Integer> keySet=concurrentHashMap.keySet();
for(Integer key :keySet){

iterator returned by ConcurrentHashMap over key is fail-safe. Means any structural modification made to ConcurrentHashMap like adding or removing elements during Iteration will not throw any Exception.

Iterator<String> iterator=concurrentHashMap.keySet().iterator();
 concurrentHashMap.put(4, "d");
key-value has been added (map didn’t contained this key previously) during iteration and no exception is thrown.

13.2) Iterate over values in java -
concurrentHashMap.values().iterator() method returns iterator to iterate over keys in ConcurrentHashMap.

Iterator<String> valueIterator=concurrentHashMap.values().iterator();


Iteration using enhanced for loop.
concurrentHashMap.values() returns collection of values.
Collection<String> collection=concurrentHashMap.values();
for(String value :collection){

iterator returned by ConcurrentHashMap over values is fail-safe. Means any structural modification made to ConcurrentHashMap like adding or removing elements during Iteration will not throw any Exception.

Iterator<String> iterator=concurrentHashMap.iterator();
 concurrentHashMap.put(5, "d");
key-value has been added (map didn’t contained this key previously) during iteration and no exception is thrown.

13.3) Iterate over Entry in java-
concurrentHashMap.entrySet().iterator() method returns iterator to iterate over keys in ConcurrentHashMap in java.

Iterator<Entry<Integer, String>> entryIterator=concurrentHashMap.entrySet().iterator();


Iteration using enhanced for loop.
concurrentHashMap.entrySet() returns collection of values.
Set<Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet=concurrentHashMap.entrySet();
for(Entry<Integer, String> entry:entrySet){

iterator returned by ConcurrentHashMap over entry is fail-safe. Means any structural modification made to ConcurrentHashMap like adding or removing elements during Iteration will not throw any Exception.

14) Some other important methods of java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap

isEmpty() method returns true if this map contains any key-value pair in java.

clear() method removes all key-value pair from map in java.

15) Complexity of methods in ConcurrentHashMap in java
Operation/ method
Worst case
Best case
put(K key, V value)
get(Object key)

16) 10 features of java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
  1. ConcurrentHashMap enables us to store data in key-value pair form in java.

  1. ConcurrentHashMap is implementation of the interface in java.

  1. Duplicate key- ConcurrentHashMap does not allows to store duplicate keys. If the map already contains a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced in java.

  1. Null elements - ConcurrentHashMap does not allow to store null key or null value. Any attempt to store null key or value in ConcurrentHashMap throws runtimeException (NullPointerException).

  1. Insertion order - ConcurrentHashMap does not maintains insertion order in java.
Example in java-
Let’s say we add 3 elements in concurrentHashMap

On displaying insertion order will not be maintained i.e.

  1. synchronized - ConcurrentHashMap is synchronized in java.

  1. Performance - ConcurrentHashMap is synchronized, hence its operations are slower as compared to some unSynchronized implementation of map interface in java.

  1. Provides locking in segments - ConcurrentHashMap is divided into different segments based on concurrency level. So different threads can access different segments concurrently in java.

  1. iterator are fail-safe -
  1. concurrentHashMap.keySet().iterator()
  2. concurrentHashMap.values().iterator()
  3. concurrentHashMap.entrySet().iterator()
all three iterators are fail-safe in java.

  1. putIfAbsent method is present in ConcurrentHashMap - If map does not contain specified key, put specified key-value pair in map and return null in java.
If map already contains specified key, return value corresponding to specified key.

17) When to use java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap

  1. ConcurrentHashMap can be used when we want to store data in key-value pair form in java.

  1. ConcurrentHashMap can be used when we don’t care about insertion order in java.

  1. ConcurrentHashMap can be used when we are working in multithreading environment in java.

  1. Hashtable is obsolete in java 5 i.e. JDK 1.5, hence it is better to use ConcurrentHashMap than using Hashtable in java.

18) Comparison of performance between HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap

We will synchronize HashMap and then compare its performance with ConcurrentHashMap.

We can synchronize HashMap by using Collections’s class synchronizedList method in java.
Map synchronizedMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(hashMap);
Now, no 2 threads can access same instance of map concurrently.
Hence synchronized HashMap’s performance is slower as compared to ConcurrentHashMap.

But why we didn’t compared HashMap (unSynchronized) with ConcurrentHashMap?
Because performance of unSynchronized collection is always better than some synchronized collection. As, default (unSynchronized) hashMap didn’t cause any locking.

19) Comparison of performance between Hashtable and ConcurrentHashMap in java
Hashtable is obsolete in java 5 i.e. JDK 1.5, it is better to use ConcurrentHashMap than using Hashtable, because of concurrency level ConcurrentHashMap’s performance is better than Hashtable in java.

20) What is Load Factor in java?
Default load factor is 0.75
That means when set will be 75% filled,  it’s capacity will be doubled in java.

Example in java >
Initially when number of elements is 0,  default capacity =16, Load Factor =0.75, ConcurrentHashMap is 0% full in java.

number of elements
capacity of ConcurrentHashMap
Load factor
ConcurrentHashMap filled in %age
When next element will be added (i.e. 12th element), concurrentHashMap will be 75% filled and capacity will be doubled i.e. from 16 to 32.

So in this Collection framework tutorial we learned what is java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap in Collection framework in java.

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Basic Collection - All properties in tabular form >

Collection - List, Set and Map all properties in tabular form

Collection hierarchy >

Map hierarchy in java - Detailed - HashMap, Hashtable, ConcurrentHashMap, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap, ConcurrentSkipListMap, IdentityHashMap, WeakHashMap, EnumMap classes

ConcurrentModificationException , Fail-fast and Fail-safe >

ConcurrentModificationException, Fail-fast and Fail-safe in detail in java

Important Similarity and Differences >
Map Differences >

HashMap and Hashtable - Similarity and Differences

HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap - Similarity and Differences

HashMap vs Hashtable vs LinkedHashMap vs TreeMap - Differences

HashMap vs IdentityHashMap - Similarity and Differences with program

Important Similarity and Differences Collection classes in concurrent and non-concurrent packages >

TreeSet vs ConcurrentSkipListSet - Similarity and Differences with program

TreeMap vs ConcurrentSkipListMap - Similarity and Differences with program

HashMap - Iterate on keys by obtaining keySet, Iterate on values by obtaining values, Iterate on entry by obtaining entrySet

HashMap - Iterator on keySet, values and entrySet is fail-safe or fail-fast?

HashMap - synchronizing map using Collections.synchronizedMap

ConcurrentSkipListMap - Iterator on keySet, values and entrySet is fail-safe or fail-fast?

Different approaches/Programs to Sort Map by key >

Program to Sort Map by key in Ascending order by implementing Comparator interface and overriding its compare method

Program to Sort Map by key in Descending order by implementing Comparator interface and overriding its compare method

Different approaches/Programs to Sort Map by value >

Program to Sort Map by value in Ascending order by implementing Comparator interface and overriding its compare method

Collection hierarchy >

Map hierarchy in java - Detailed - HashMap, Hashtable, ConcurrentHashMap, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap, ConcurrentSkipListMap, IdentityHashMap, WeakHashMap, EnumMap classes

ConcurrentModificationException , Fail-fast and Fail-safe >

ConcurrentModificationException, Fail-fast and Fail-safe in detail in java

Important Similarity and Differences >
Map Differences >

HashMap and Hashtable - Similarity and Differences

HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap - Similarity and Differences

HashMap vs Hashtable vs LinkedHashMap vs TreeMap - Differences

HashMap vs IdentityHashMap - Similarity and Differences with program

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