It’s very important to differentiate between java.util.ArrayList and java.util.LinkedList, so in this Collection framework tutorial we will learn what are differences and similarities between java.util.ArrayList and java.util.LinkedList in java.
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java.util.ArrayList is index based structure in java.
A java.util.LinkedList is a data structure consisting of a group of nodes which together represent a sequence.
node is composed of a data and a reference (in other words, a link) to the next node in the sequence in java.
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ArrayList is Resizable-array in java.
New node is created for storing new element in LinkedList in java.
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Initial capacity
java.util.ArrayList is created with initial capacity of 10 in java.
For storing every element node is created in LinkedList, so linkedList’s initial capacity is 0 in java.
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Ensuring Capacity/ resizing.
ArrayList is created with initial capacity of 10.
ArrayList’s size is increased by 50% i.e. after resizing it’s size become 15 in java.
For storing every element node is created, so linkedList’s initial capacity is 0, it’s size grow with addition of each and every element in java.
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RandomAccess interface
ArrayList implements RandomAccess(Marker interface) to indicate that they support fast random access (i.e. index based access) in java.
LinkedList does not implement RandomAccess interface in java.
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AbstractList and AbstractSequentialList
ArrayList extends AbstractList (abstract class) which provides implementation to List interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface backed by RandomAccess interface.
LinkedList extends AbstractSequentialList (abstract class), AbstractSequentialList extends AbstractList.
In LinkedList, data is accessed sequentially, so for obtaining data at specific index, iteration is done on nodes sequentially in java.
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How get(index) method works?
(Though difference has been discussed briefly in above 2 points but in this in point we will figure difference in detail.)
Get method of ArrayList directly gets element on specified index. Hence, offering O(1) complexity in java.
Get method of LinkedList iterates on nodes sequentially to get element on specified index. Hence, offering O(n) complexity in java.
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When to use
Use ArrayList when get operations is more frequent than add and remove operations in java.
Use LinkedList when add and remove operations are more frequent than get operations in java.
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Complexity offered by methods are different
So far we have learned what are differences between ArrayList and LinkedList in java. Now we will learn similarities in ArrayList and LinkedList in Collection framework in java.
Similarity in java.util.ArrayList and java.util.LinkedList in java >
java.util.ArrayList and java.util.LinkedList
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ArrayList and LinkedList both are not synchronized (because 2 threads on same ArrayList/LinkedList object can access it at same time) in java.
I have created program to show see consequence of using ArrayList in multithreading environment.
In the program i will implement our own arrayList in java.
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Iterator and listIterator are Fail-fast
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Enumeration is fail-fast
Enumeration of ArrayList and LinkedList both is fail-fast, means any modification made to ArrayList during iteration using Enumeration will throw ConcurrentModificationException in java.
Example/Code to throw ConcurrentModificationException in ArrayList (we may replace arrayList with linkedList )-
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Insertion order
ArrayList and LinkedList both maintains insertion order in java.
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Allows null
ArrayList and LinkedList both allows to store null in java.
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Implements java.util.List
ArrayList and LinkedList both are implementation of the java.util.List interface.
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Introduced in which java version
ArrayList and LinkedList both were introduced in second version of java (1.2) i.e. JDK 2.0
So in this Collection framework tutorial we learned what are important differences and similarities between java.util.ArrayList and java.util.LinkedList in java.
/** Copyright (c), AnkitMittal */
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