Set Custom implementation - HashSet - add, contains, remove Employee object in java

Contents of page :
In this post i will be explaining how to put, get, remove Employee object in custom HashSet.

1) Understanding equals and hascode method of Employee class in java >
Employee object overrides:
>equals method - helps in checking equality of employee objects used as key in entry objects.
>hashCode method - helps in finding bucket’s index on which data will be stored.

   public boolean equals(Object o){
                 return false;
                 return false;
          Employee e=(Employee)o;
          return &&;         
   public int hashCode(){
          return id.hashCode() + name.hashCode();     

We will maintain bucket (ArrayList) which will store Entry (LinkedList).

2) Full Program/SourceCode to put, get, remove Employee object in custom HashSet in java>
package com.ankit;

/** Copyright (c), AnkitMittal */
* @author AnkitMittal
* Copyright (c), AnkitMittal . All Contents are copyrighted and must not be reproduced in any form.
* This class provides custom implementation of Set(without using java api's- we will be using HashMapCustom)- which allows does not allow you to store duplicate values.
* Note- implementation does not allow you to store null values.
* @param <K>
* @param <V>
class HashSetCustom<E>{
   private HashMapCustom<E, Object> hashMapCustom;
   public HashSetCustom(){
          hashMapCustom=new HashMapCustom<>();
   * add objects in SetCustom.
   public void add(E value){
          hashMapCustom.put(value, null);
    * Method returns true if set contains the object.
    * @param key
   public boolean contains(E obj){
          return hashMapCustom.contains(obj) !=null ? true :false;
    * Method displays all objects in setCustom.
    * insertion order is not guaranteed, for maintaining insertion order refer LinkedHashSet.
   public void display(){
    * Method removes object from setCustom.
    * insertion order is not guaranteed, for maintaining insertion order refer LinkedHashSet.
    * @param obj
   public boolean remove(E obj){
      return hashMapCustom.remove(obj);
/** Copyright (c), AnkitMittal */
* @author AnkitMittal
* Copyright (c), AnkitMittal . All Contents are copyrighted and must not be reproduced in any form.
* Employee class- to be used as key in HashSetCustom.
class Employee {
   private String id;
   private String name;
   * Employee constructor
   public Employee(String id, String name) { // constructor
 = id;
 = name;
   public String toString() {
          return "Employee[id=" + id + ", name=" + name + "] ";
   public boolean equals(Object o){
                 return false;
                 return false;
          Employee e=(Employee)o;
          return &&;         
   public int hashCode(){
          return id.hashCode() + name.hashCode();     
* @author AnkitMittal
* Copyright (c), AnkitMittal . All Contents are copyrighted and must not be reproduced in any form.
* This class provides custom implementation of HashMap(without using java api's)- which allows us to store data in key-value pair form..
* @param <K>
* @param <V>
class HashMapCustom<K, V> {
   private Entry<K,V>[] table;   //Array of Entry.
   private int capacity= 4;  //Initial capacity of HashMap
   static class Entry<K, V> {
       K key;
       V value;
       Entry<K,V> next;
       public Entry(K key, V value, Entry<K,V> next){
           this.key = key;
           this.value = value;
  = next;
   public HashMapCustom(){
      table = new Entry[capacity];
    * Method allows you put key-value pair in HashMapCustom.
    * If the map already contains a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced.
    * Note: method does not allows you to put null key thought it allows null values.
    * Implementation allows you to put custom objects as a key as well.
    * Key Features: implementation provides you with following features:-
    *     >provide complete functionality how to override equals method.
    *  >provide complete functionality how to override hashCode method.
    * @param newKey
    * @param data
   public void put(K newKey, V data){
          return;    //does not allow to store null.
      int hash=hash(newKey);
      Entry<K,V> newEntry = new Entry<K,V>(newKey, data, null);
       if(table[hash] == null){
        table[hash] = newEntry;
          Entry<K,V> previous = null;
          Entry<K,V> current = table[hash];
          while(current != null){ //we have reached last entry of bucket.
             if(previous==null){  //node has to be insert on first of bucket.
            current =;
        } = newEntry;
    * Method returns value corresponding to key.
    * @param key
   public V get(K key){
       int hash = hash(key);
       if(table[hash] == null){
        return null;
        Entry<K,V> temp = table[hash];
        while(temp!= null){
                return temp.value;
            temp =; //return value corresponding to key.
        return null;   //returns null if key is not found.
    * Method removes key-value pair from HashMapCustom.
    * @param key
   public boolean remove(K deleteKey){
      int hash=hash(deleteKey);
     if(table[hash] == null){
          return false;
     Entry<K,V> previous = null;
     Entry<K,V> current = table[hash];
     while(current != null){ //we have reached last entry node of bucket.
             if(previous==null){  //delete first entry node.
                   return true;
                    return true;
            current =;
     return false;
    * Method displays all key-value pairs present in HashMapCustom.,
    * insertion order is not guaranteed, for maintaining insertion order refer LinkedHashMapCustom.
    * @param key
   public void display(){
      for(int i=0;i<capacity;i++){
                 Entry<K, V> entry=table[i];
                       System.out.print("{"+entry.key+"="+entry.value+"}" +" ");
    * Method returns true if set contains the object.
    * @param key
   public K contains(K key){
       int hash = hash(key);
       if(table[hash] == null){
        return null;
        Entry<K,V> temp = table[hash];
        while(temp!= null){
                return key;
            temp =; //return value corresponding to key.
        return null;   //returns null if key is not found.
    * Method displays all objects in setCustom.
    * insertion order is not guaranteed, for maintaining insertion order refer LinkedHashSet.
   public void displaySet(){
      for(int i=0;i<capacity;i++){
                 Entry<K, V> entry=table[i];
                       System.out.print(entry.key+" ");
    * Method implements hashing functionality, which helps in finding the appropriate bucket location to store our data.
    * This is very important method, as performance of HashMapCustom is very much dependent on  this method's implementation.
    * @param key
   private int hash(K key){
       return Math.abs(key.hashCode()) % capacity;
* Main class- to test HashMap functionality.
public class HashSetCustomEmployee {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
      HashSetCustom<Employee> hashSetCustom = new HashSetCustom<Employee>();
      hashSetCustom.add(new Employee("10", "sam"));
      hashSetCustom.add(new Employee("21", "amy"));
      hashSetCustom.add(new Employee("31", "rob"));
      hashSetCustom.add(new Employee("41", "sam"));
      hashSetCustom.add(new Employee("42", "wil"));
      System.out.println("HashSetCustom contains employee with id=21 & name='amy' : "+hashSetCustom.contains(new Employee("21", "amy")));
          System.out.println("HashSetCustom contains employee with id=51 & name='pat' : "+hashSetCustom.contains(new Employee("51", "pat")));
       System.out.print("Displaying : ");
       System.out.println("\n\nemployee with id=21 & name='amy' removed: "+hashSetCustom.remove(new Employee("21", "amy")));
       System.out.println("employee with id=51 & name='pat' removed: "+hashSetCustom.remove(new Employee("51", "pat")));
       System.out.print("Displaying : ");
HashSetCustom contains employee with id=21 & name='amy' : true
HashSetCustom contains employee with id=51 & name='pat' : false
Displaying : Employee[id=21, name=amy]  Employee[id=41, name=sam]  Employee[id=42, name=wil]  Employee[id=10, name=sam]  Employee[id=31, name=rob]
employee with id=21 & name='amy' removed: true
employee with id=51 & name='pat' removed: false
Displaying : Employee[id=41, name=sam]  Employee[id=42, name=wil]  Employee[id=10, name=sam]  Employee[id=31, name=rob]  

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