Quick sort with complexity explanation and diagram in java

Contents of page >
  • How Quicksort works in java?
  • Quicksort in diagram-
  • Full Program/SourceCode/Example of QuickSort in java >
  • Complexity of Quicksort in java >
  • Comparisons required in Quicksort  in java>
  • Complexity of Quicksort in graph >

How Quicksort works in java?

Quicksort is one the most popular sorting algorithm, even it is used in java API’s at many places. It offers time complexity of O(N*logN).

>Pick the Pivot (right most element) in array.
>place pivot such that,
all elements in its left are smaller &
all elements in its right are larger.
>After placing pivot, left & right partitions are formed.

Again pick the pivot, recursively we divide the partitions further into  left & right partitions  until array is completely sorted.

Quicksort in diagram-

Initially whole array is one partition, once pivot is placed at its position two partitions are formed, and we repeat the above procedure.

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                       Level3 programs (advanced)
                       LinkedHashMap Custom implementation in java.  

Full Program/SourceCode/Example of Quick Sort in java >
/** Copyright (c), AnkitMittal www.JavaMadeSoEasy.com */
public class QuickSort {
   static int[] ar = { 2, 1, 9, 5, 3, 8, 4 };
   public static void main(String[] args) {
          System.out.print("Display array before Quick sorting: "  );
          for (int i = 0; i < ar.length; i++)
                 System.out.print(ar[i] +" ");
          quickSort(0, ar.length - 1);
          System.out.print("\nDisplay array after Quick sorting: "  );
          for (int i = 0; i < ar.length; i++)
                 System.out.print(ar[i] +" ");
   * method performs quick sort in java.
   public static void quickSort(int left, int right) {
          if (right - left <= 0) // size <= 1,
                 return; // means array is already sorted.
                 int pivot = ar[right]; // rightmost item
                 int partition = partitionArray(pivot, left, right); //find out partition range.
                 quickSort(left, partition - 1);   // sort the left side.
                 quickSort(partition + 1, right); // sort the right side.
   //partition of array in java
   public static  int partitionArray(int pivot, int left, int right) {
          int leftIndicator = left - 1;
          int rightIndicator = right;
          while (true) {
                 // find bigger element.
                 while(ar[++leftIndicator] < pivot);          //execute while loop till -> elements are smaller than pivot, as soon as bigger element is found we stop while loop.
                 // find smaller element.
                 while(rightIndicator>0 && ar[--rightIndicator]>pivot);//execute while loop till -> elements are greater than pivot, as soon as smaller element is found we stop while loop.
                 if (leftIndicator >= rightIndicator) // if pointers have crossed, partition have been done, break.
                       swapElements(leftIndicator, rightIndicator); //If we haven't crossed swap the elements.
          swapElements(leftIndicator, right); // restoring the pivot.
          return leftIndicator; //return restored pivot location.
   public static void swapElements(int pos1, int pos2){
          int temp = ar[pos1];
          ar[pos1] = ar[pos2];
          ar[pos2] = temp;
Display array before Quick sorting: 2 1 9 5 3 8 4
Display array after Quick sorting: 1 2 3 4 5 8 9

So, we wrote program to do quick Sort of array in java.

Complexity of Quicksort in java >
Best,average and worst case >

Best Case :         O(N*logN) , though no of swaps may be 0 (if array is already sorted)
Average Case :  O(N*logN).
Worst Case :      O(N2),  (if array is reversely sorted)

Comparisons required in Quicksort  in java>

N (number of elements)

Complexity of Quicksort in graph >

Summary >
So in this data structure tutorial we learned how Quicksort works in java. Quicksort in diagram. Program/Example of QuickSort in java. Complexity of Quicksort in java. Comparisons required in Quicksort  in java. Complexity of Quicksort in graph.

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