Cloning ArrayList of custom object properly in java - do Deep clone arraylist in java

Now let’s Deep clone arraylist in java.
I have seen many programmers getting confused in cloning stuff, so let's talk about this in detail when ArrayList has custom object and Double at times as well.

How to convert ArrayList to HashSet and Set to Array in Java examples

Program >

//ArrayList doesn't implements Cloneable,

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

class Item implements Cloneable{
    Integer name;
    Item(Integer name){
    public Item clone(){
          return new Item(name);       
          //return new Item(new Integer(name));
public class Clone_ArrayList_blog {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
          List<Item> lnew ArrayList<>();
          l.add(new Item(0));
          l.add(new Item(1));
          //Its just creating new ArrayList but all the elements on index 0 of l and l2 will point to same Item object
          List<Item> l2=new ArrayList<>(l);
          System.out.println(l==l2); //false        
          System.out.println(l.get(0)==l2.get(0)); //true (but for proper cloning it must be false, so do deep copy)
          //Now do Deep copy
          l2=new ArrayList<>();
          for(Item dl){
          System.out.println(l==l2); //false //OfCourse its ok and same as above         
          System.out.println(l.get(0)==l2.get(0)); //false (proper cloning )
          System.out.println(l.get(0).name==l2.get(0).name); //true - For false do > return new Item(new Integer(name));

Interesting - Read how to Clone list of Double >

//Double doesn't implement Cloneable
public static void main(String[] args) {
          List<Double> l = new ArrayList<>();
          //Its just creating new ArrayList but all the elements on index 0 of l and l2 will point to same double object
          List<Double> l2=new ArrayList<>(l);
          System.out.println(l==l2); //false        
        System.out.println(l.get(0)==l2.get(0)); //true (but for proper cloning it must be false, so do deep copy)
          //Now do Deep copy
          l2=new ArrayList<>();
          for(Double d: l){
                 l2.add(new Double(d));
          System.out.println(l==l2); //false //OfCourse ike above    
          System.out.println(l.get(0)==l2.get(0)); //false (proper cloning , using new)

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How to convert ArrayList to HashSet and Set to Array in Java examples

convert Array to Set and Set to array in Java

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