First Please Read :Method-overriding-in-java
Program/ Example of Nashorn Javascript (js) Engine in Java 8 - Method Overriding in javascript >
package nashornJs;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
* Method Overriding in javascript - And call it from java
public class MyNashornClass {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("In java - START");
ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("nashorn");
System.out.println("In java - FINISH");
In java - START
In myNashornJavaScript.js
In js - 1) Method Overriding
Lion eat - flesh
In js - 2) Another way of doing above
Lion eat - flesh
In js - 3) Method Overriding - Implement java Animal in javascript
Lion eat - flesh
End myNashornJavaScript.js
In java - FINISH
Interface - Animal
package nashornJs;
* Interface - Animal
public interface Animals {
void food() ;
subclass of Animal interface - Lion
package nashornJs;
* subclass of Animal interface - Lion
public class Lion implements Animals {
public void food() {
System.out.println("Lion eat - flesh");
E:/pocJmse/myNashornJavaScript.js looks like this >
print('In myNashornJavaScript.js');
// 1) Method Overriding in js -
print('In js - 1) Method Overriding ');
var javaAnimals = Java.type('nashornJs.Animals');
//Implement java Animal using anonymous inner class in javascript
var javaLion = new javaAnimals() {
// Provide implementation of food method
food: function() {
print('Lion eat - flesh');
// 2) Another way of doing above
print('In js - 2) Another way of doing above ');
var javaLion2 = Java.extend(javaAnimals, {
// Provide implementation of run method
food: function() {
print('Lion eat - flesh');
new javaLion2().food();
// 3) Method Overriding - Implement java Animal in javascript
print('In js - 3) Method Overriding - Implement java Animal in javascript ');
var javaAnimals1 = Java.type('nashornJs.Animals');
var javaLion1 = Java.type('nashornJs.Lion');
var javaLion1 = new javaLion1();;
print('End myNashornJavaScript.js');
In java we can write this code below to achive method overriding >
Animals lion = new Animals() {
public void food() {
System.out.println("Lion eat - flesh");
//call method
Animals lion1 = new Lion();;
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