Contents of page >
- 1) use mongostat command -
- 2) Understanding mongostat - What does Mongostat command do >
- 3) For more highly detailed MongoDB statistics you may run db.serverStatus() >
Please ensure mongod (mongoDB server) is running before executing the follow up commands to find mongoDB statistics.
1) use mongostat command -
Go to bin directory of MongoDB
And type mongostat.
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin > mongostat
It will create backup in C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin\dump\
Screenshot >
2) Understanding mongostat - What does Mongostat command do >
- Insert - Number of inserts operations per second.
- Query - Number of read operations per second..
- Query - Number of update operations per second..
- Delete -Number of delete operations per second..
- Getmore - number of cursor batch operations per second.
- Command - Number of commands operations per second..
- Flushes - On MMAPv1 Storage Engine - number of fsync operations per second.
You can also monitor data related to storage and memory >
- mapped - amount of data mapped (total data size) in megabytes
- vsize - virtual size of process in gigabytes
- res - resident size of process in megabytes
- fault - Number of page faults per second
You can also monitor information related to read and write operation (i.e. Disk Input/output (IO)) >
- qr - Length of the queue of clients waiting to read data from the MongoDB instance.
- qw - Length of the queue of clients waiting to write data from the MongoDB instance.
- ar - number of active clients performing read operations.
- aw - Number of active clients performing write operations.
You can also monitor information network related data >
- netIn - Network traffic received by MongoDB instance in bytes.
- netOut -Network traffic sent by MongoDB instance in bytes.
- conn - Total number of open connections
- time - It is current time
It is very helpful in monitoring and analyzing CPU and memory consumption in MongoDB.
3) For more highly detailed MongoDB statistics you may run db.serverStatus() >
Information you can get when you execute db.serverStatus() >
- "host" : "ankitMittal",
- "version" : "3.0.6",
- "process" : "mongod",
- "pid" (processId)
- "uptime" : 373579,
- "uptimeMillis" (MongoDB uptime in milliseconds)
- "uptimeEstimate" : 133825,
- "localTime" : ISODate("2017-01-13T23:18:41.138Z"),
- "connections" - "current" : 1 and "available" : 999999,
- "extra_info" - "page_faults" : 154969
- Locks information >
- "globalLock"
- "locks" :
- Indexcounters
- "Metadata"
- "network"
- "opcounters"
- "storageEngine"- "mmapv1"
- "metrics"
4) Summary -
So in this mongoDB tutorial we learned how can we Monitor MongoDB statistics and understood mongostat command in detail.
For monitoring use mongostat command.
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin > mongostat
For more highly detailed MongoDB statistics you may run db.serverStatus().
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