You are here : Home / Core Java Tutorials / Series of JVM and Garbage Collection (GC) in java - Best explanations ever
Contents of page >
- PS Scavenge >
- PS MarkSweep >
PS Scavenge >
PS Scavenge is the Young generation collectors
It is the parallel scavenge collector.
PS Scavenge uses multiple threads in parallel for garbage collection.
Vm parameter for enabling PS Scavenge >
PS MarkSweep >
PS MarkSweep is the old generation collector.
PS MarkSweep is the parallel scavenge mark sweep collector.
It uses the multiple threads in parallel for garbage collection.
Vm parameter for enabling PS MarkSweep >
Summary -
So in this core java tutorial we learned what are PS Scavenge and PS MarkSweep collectors.
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Core Java
Garbage collection in java