What is -XX:NewRatio JVM parameters in java - Setting young and old generation ratio

In this core java tutorial we will learn What is -XX:NewRatio JVM parameters in java.

Contents of page >
  • What is -XX:NewRatio JVM parameter in java?
    • Examples of using -XX:NewRatio VM option in java >
  • Summary -

Before learning about -XX:NewRatio JVM parameter in java we must know about java heap memory structure.

Earlier we read about JVM Heap memory (Hotspot heap structure)  in java consists of following elements>
  1. Young Generation
    • 1a) Eden,
    • 1b) S0 (Survivor space 0)
    • 1c) S1 (Survivor space 1)
  2. Old Generation (Tenured)
  3. Permanent Generation.

What is -XX:NewRatio JVM parameter in java?
-XX:NewRatio : NewRatio controls the size of young and old generation.
-XX:NewRatio sets the ratio between young and old generation in JVM heap memory in java.

Examples of using -XX:NewRatio  VM option in java >

Example1 of using -XX:NewRatio  VM option in java >
-XX:NewRatio=3 means that the ratio between the young and old/tenured generation is 1:3.
In other words, the combined size of the eden and survivor spaces will be one fourth of the total heap size.

Example2 of using -XX:NewRatio  VM option in java >
-XX:NewRatio=2 means that the ratio between the young and old/tenured generation is 1:2.
In other words, the combined size of the eden and survivor spaces will be one third of the total heap size.

Summary -

So in this core java tutorial we learned what is -XX:NewRatio JVM parameters in java. And how to use -XX:NewRatio VM parameter with examples.

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>Serial collector / Serial GC (Garbage collector) in java

>Throughput GC (Garbage collector) or Parallel collector in java

>Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) collector / concurrent low pause garbage collector in java

>G1 garbage collector / Garbage first collector in java

Young, Old (tenured) and Permanent Generation >

>What are Young, Old (tenured) and Permanent Generation in JVM in java

Minor, Major and Full garbage collection >

>What are Minor, Major and Full garbage collection in JVM in java

Important VM parameters >

>Most important and frequently used VM (JVM) PARAMETERS with examples in JVM Heap memory in java

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>-XX:SurvivorRatio JVM parameters in java with examples - Setting survivor spaces size

>-XX:+AggressiveHeap VM parameters

>What are -XX:PermSize and -XX:MaxPermSize JVM parameters with examples in java | Differences

>Solve java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : unable to create new native Thread - Xss JVM option

More VM parameters >

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