Difference between Serial GC vs Throughput GC (Garbage collector) in java

In this tutorial we will learn Difference between Serial GC vs Throughput GC (Garbage collector) in java.

Difference between Serial GC (Garbage collector)  vs Throughput GC (Garbage collector) in java?
Difference Serial and Throughput gc (garbage Collector)>
Serial collector uses one thread to execute garbage collection.
Throughput collector uses multiple threads to execute garbage collection.

Serial GC is the garbage collector of choice for applications that do not have low pause time requirements and run on client-style machines.
Throughput GC is the garbage collector of choice for applications that have low pause time requirements.

Similarity between Serial and Throughput gc (garbage Collector) in java>
Throughput collector is similar to the serial collector in terms of garbage collection process.



Different type of garbage collectors in java>

>Serial collector / Serial GC (Garbage collector) in java

>Throughput GC (Garbage collector) or Parallel collector in java

>Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) collector / concurrent low pause garbage collector in java

>G1 garbage collector / Garbage first collector in java

>PS Scavenge and PS MarkSweep

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