Contents of page >
- Full Program/SourceCode/Example of Shell sorting in java >
- Complexity of Shell sorting in java >
Also read : Radix sort
Full Program/SourceCode/Example of Shell sorting in java >
* write a program to sort array using Shell Sort in java.
public class ShellSort {
* Declare initialize array which has to be sorted using Shell sort in java
private int[] arr = {12, 3, 8, 9, 1, 14, 6, 7, 5};
* This method Sort Array using Shell Sort in java
public void shellSort() {
int h = 1; // Keep initial value of h as 1
int inner, outer, temp;
while (h <= arr.length / 3){
h = h * 3 + 1; //As initial of h is 1, It will form series as (1, 4, 13, 40 and so on)
while (h > 0){ // Keep on decreasing h, until h>1
for (outer = h; outer < arr.length; outer++) {
temp = arr[outer];
inner = outer;
while (inner > h - 1 && arr[inner - h] >= temp) {
arr[inner] = arr[inner - h];
inner = inner - h;
arr[inner] = temp;
} //End for
h = (h - 1) / 3;
} //End while
* This method Display Array
public void display(){
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
System.out.print(arr[i] + " ");
public static void main(String[] args) {
ShellSort shellSort = new ShellSort();
System.out.print("Display Array elements before Shell sorting : ");
shellSort.display(); // display unsorted array
shellSort.shellSort(); // shell sort the array
System.out.print("\nDisplay Array elements after Shell sorting : ");
shellSort.display(); // display sorted array
Display Array elements before Shell sorting : 12 3 8 9 1 14 6 7 5
Display Array elements after Shell sorting : 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 12 14
So, we wrote program to do shell sort of array in java.
Complexity of Shell sorting in java >
Best Case : O(n log n), when array is already sorted.
Average Case : O((n log n)2)
Worst Case : The worst case too is O((n log n)2).
Summary >
So in this data structure tutorial we learned Program/Example of Shell sorting in java. Complexity of Shell sorting in java.
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