Find out windows version installed in your system using java program and cmd

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In this tutorial we will - find out windows version installed in your system.

How to find out windows version installed in your system/windows >
  1. You may use this java program to find windows version installed in your system >
I have installed AMD64 >which  is also known as  x64 and x86-64, so AMD64 is the 64-bit version of the windows.
/** Find current Operating System version (OS)  (32 bit version or 64 bit version window ?) */
public class FindCurrentOperatingSystemVesrionExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
          String currentOperatingSystemVersion = System.getProperty("os.arch");
          System.out.println("current (OS) Operating System Version = "+
                    currentOperatingSystemVersion);  //AMD64 is 64-bit version of windows

current (OS) Operating System Version = amd64
Output of program may vary on different systems.

  1. You may use this CMD command to find windows version installed in your system >
Go to CMD and type wmic os get osarchitecture

  1. Or You may use Go to My Computer, right click, Properties to find windows version installed in your system >

Summary -
So in this tutorial we learned how to find out windows version installed in your system using java program and CMD (command line).

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Labels: Core Java
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