Strikethrough Text In Pdf in java

In this core java tutorial we will learn How To Strikethrough Text In Pdf in java using iText library - core java tutorial with program and examples.

Follow these steps to Strikethrough Text In Pdf in java using iText library >

  • Create new Chunk (Chunk textStrikethrough = new Chunk("Strikethrough Text"));
  • textStrikethrough.setUnderline(0.8f, 2.5f);
Where, 0.8f is the thickness of Strikethrough and 2.5f is the position of y axis, i.e. where Strikethrough will be drawn.

How to Set the Font Name, Size, Style and Colour In Pdf using itext in java

How To Set HyperLink (Anchor - a tag) In Pdf in java - iText java tutorial

Convert Html To Pdf in java using iText - iText java tutorial

How To Set Header and Footer in pdf in java using Itext Example - iText java tutorial

Download jars required to execute program >

Or, you may download jars from here.

Program/Example How To Strikethrough Text In Pdf in java - Using iText library

import com.itextpdf.text.Chunk;
import com.itextpdf.text.Document;
import com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
*  How To Strikethrough Text In Pdf Using Itext Example -
*  Using iText library - core java tutorial
public class StrikethroughInPdfUsingItextExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
     String pdfFilePath = "e:/Strikethrough Text in Pdf Using Itext Example.pdf";
     OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(pdfFilePath));
     Document document = new Document();
     PdfWriter.getInstance(document, fos);;
     document.add(new Paragraph("This is Strikethrough Text in Pdf Example"));
     Chunk textStrikethrough = new Chunk("Strikethrough Text");
     textStrikethrough.setUnderline(0.8f, 2.5f); // 0.8f is the thickness of Strikethrough
             //and 2.5f is the position of y axis, i.e. where Strikethrough will be drawn.
             //Just for information
             //If you use -1f then it form underline text, try it.
          //If you use 10f then it form line above text, try this one too..
     System.out.println("PDF created in >> " + pdfFilePath);
/* OUTPUT of above program/Example -
PDF created in >> e:/Strikethrough Text in Pdf Using Itext Example.pdf

PDF formed after executing above java program will look like this >

Summary -

So in this core java tutorial we learned How To Strikethrough Text In Pdf in java using iText library - core java tutorial with program and examples.

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References >


iText library tutorial in java - How to Create and work with PDF files in java

Creating IMAGES in pdf in java - iText tutorial >

Adding the Images In Pdf in java example using iText - iText java tutorial

How to Add And Rotate Images In Pdf in java - iText java tutorial example

How can you Add the Images from URL In Pdf in java program

Adding WATERMARK in pdf in java - iText tutorial >

How to add TEXT as Watermark In Pdf in java - iText java tutorial

How to add IMAGE as Watermark In Pdf in iText in java example

Creating CHAPTER, SECTION, CHUNK, PARAGRAPH AND PHRASE in pdf in java - iText tutorial >

Create Chapter And Section In Pdf in java - iText java tutorial

Create Chunk In Pdf in java - iText java tutorial program

how to Create Paragraph In Pdf - iText java tutorial program

Create Left, center and right aligned Paragraph In Pdf - iText java tutorial

Create Phrase In Pdf (with lead) Using Itext - iText java tutorial example

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