program to Find sum of all even digits in string in java

In this core java programming tutorial we will write a program to Find sum of all even digits in string in java.

Example 1 in java>
Input > java grey243
Output > 6

Example 2 in java>
Input > java64 is12
Output > 12

Program/ example to Find sum of all even digits in string in java >
public class FindSumOfAllEvenDigitInString {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
          String s = "java grey243";
          //String s = "java64 is12"; //Test string
          char ch[] = s.toCharArray();
          int sum = 0;
          for (int i = 0; i < ch.length; i++) {
                 try {
                       int x = Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(ch[i]));
                       if (x % 2 == 0) {
                              sum += x;
                 } catch (Exception e) {

So in this core java programming tutorial we Find sum of all even digits in string in java.

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