This Quiz consists of Serialization and Deserialization's 20 Multiple choice questions in 1 set - Java Serialization and Deserialization quiz - MCQ
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Serialization and Deserialization Java - MCQ set 1 (20 questions, 48 marks)
Note : Each set consists of 20 questions
Each set consists of 2 EASY level difficulty questions 1 mark each. 1 * 2 = 2 marks
Each set consists of 8 MEDIUM level difficulty questions 2 mark each. 2 * 8 = 16 marks
Each set consists of 10 HARD level difficulty questions 3 mark each. 3 * 10 = 30 marks
So, Each set is TOTAL of 48 marks
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Serialization and Deserialization Java - MCQ set 1 (20 questions, 48 marks)
Note : Each set consists of 20 questions
Each set consists of 2 EASY level difficulty questions 1 mark each. 1 * 2 = 2 marks
Each set consists of 8 MEDIUM level difficulty questions 2 mark each. 2 * 8 = 16 marks
Each set consists of 10 HARD level difficulty questions 3 mark each. 3 * 10 = 30 marks
So, Each set is TOTAL of 48 marks
This quiz have been designed to check beginners and experienced Java developers skills.
Scoring below 14 marks means POOR : You are Java Beginner and need to work very hard.
Scoring 14-32 marks means AVERAGE : You know Java basics, but you need more practice.
Scoring 32-44 marks means GOOD : You have good Java knowledge.
Scoring above 44 marks means EXCELLENT : You have outstanding java knowledge.