Program to Sort Binary array(Array of 0 and 1 only) in java

In this core java programming tutorial we will Write a Program to Sort Binary array(Array of 0 and 1 only) in java.

Example 1 in java >
Binary array before sorting : 10100101
Binary array after sorting  : 00001111

Example 2 in java >
Binary array before sorting : 101101010
Binary array after sorting  : 000011111

Example/ Full Program/SourceCode to Sort Binary array(Array of 0 and 1 only) in java >
/** Copyright (c), AnkitMittal */
public class SortBinaryArrayExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
          int ar[] = { 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 };
          System.out.print("Binary array before sorting : ");
          for (int n : ar)
          //i will start from 0.
          //j will start from end.
          int i = 0, j = ar.length - 1;
          //We might face 4 conditions.
          while (i < j) {
                 //condition 1 - when a[i] is 1 and a[j] is 0
                 if (ar[i] > ar[j]) {
                       ar[i] = 0;
                       ar[j] = 1;
                 //condition 2 - when a[i] is 0 and a[j] is 0
                 else if (ar[i] == 0 && ar[j] == 0) {
                 //condition 3 - when a[i] is 1 and a[j] is 1
                 else if (ar[i] == 1 && ar[j] == 1) {
                 //condition 4 - when a[i] is 0 and a[j] is 1
                 else if (ar[i] < ar[j]) {
          System.out.print("\nBinary array after sorting  : ");
          for (int n : ar)
/* Output
Binary array before sorting : 10100101
Binary array after sorting  : 00001111

So in this core java programming tutorial we wrote a Program to Sort Binary array(Array of 0 and 1 only) in java.

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