Now, Let's understand following important concepts where >
- AutoBoxing beats Var-args
- Widening beats Autoboxing
- Widening beats Var-args
- widening and then AutoBoxing is not allowed in one operation.
- But, AutoBoxing and then widening is allowed in one operation.
- AutoBoxing beats Var-args
public class AutoboxingBeatsVarargs {
static void m(Integer i1, Integer i2) {
System.out.println("Integer i1, Integer i2");
static void m(Integer...i) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 3;
m(i, i);
Integer i1, Integer i2
Compiler prefers to do AutoBoxing than invoking Var-args. Hence, AutoBoxing beats Var-args
- Widening beats Autoboxing
public class WideningBeatsAutoboxing {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 3;
static void m(Integer i) {
static void m(double d) {
Compiler prefers to do Widening than doing Autoboxing. Hence, Widening beats Autoboxing
- Widening beats Var-args
public class WideningBeatsVarargs {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 3;
m(i, i);
static void m(float f1, float f2) {
System.out.println("float f1, float f2");
static void m(int... i) {
float f1, float f2
Compiler prefers to do Widening than invoking Var-args. Hence, Widening beats invoking Var-args
You can remember above 3 conversions in this way >
Widening > Autoboxing > Var-args
(Note: It’s not any standard convention)
- widening and then AutoBoxing is not allowed in one operation.
As a solution to above program we can perform Widening and then AutoBoxing in multiple steps/operations.
public class WideningAndThenAutoBoxingInMultipleSteps {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 3;
double d = i; // Widening
Double d2 = d; // AutoBoxing
- But, AutoBoxing and then widening is allowed in one operation.
public class AutoBoxingAndThenWidening {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 3;
Number num = i; //AutoBoxing and then widening
Integer i1 = (Integer) num;
But how does AutoBoxing and then widening happens internally in one operation?
Java compiler will convert above code into -
public class AutoBoxingAndThenWidening {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 3;
Number num = Integer.valueOf(i); //AutoBoxing and then widening
Integer i1 = (Integer) num;
Number num = Integer.valueOf(i);
1) int i is Autoboxed to Integer object,
2) As Number is superclass of Integer, reference variable of Number can refer to Integer object (this is widening of Integer object),
Integer i1 = (Integer) num;
3) num is casted to Integer (java.lang.Object's object was never formed, originally it was Integer's object only but compiler won't trust us for doing such downcasting. Hence, we need explicit casting)