We must read other File operations like - create, copy, rename, delete, exist?, append, hide/unHide, creation/lastModified/lastAccessed date, compare, size, Read only and writable.
java.io.File does not provide any direct method to move a file.
We must follow these steps to move a file >
1- Copy file from sourcePath to destinationPath
2- delete file from sourcePath
Program to Move a file in java - file IO >
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
/** JavaMadeSoEasy.com */
public class MoveFile {
public static void main(String... args) {
String sourcePath ="c:/myFile.txt";
String destinationPath= "c:/newFolder/myFile.txt";
FileInputStream fis= null;
FileOutputStream fos = null;
try {
//1- Copy file from sourcePath to destinationPath
fis = new FileInputStream(sourcePath);
fos = new FileOutputStream(destinationPath);
byte[] b = new byte[1024];
int ch;
while ((ch = fis.read(b)) != -1) { //read bytes from myFile.txt
fos.write(b, 0, ch); //write bytes in myFileCopy.txt
fos.flush(); // bytes in buffer are written in file
System.out.println(sourcePath+" has been successfully moved to " + destinationPath);
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
try {
if (fis != null){
fis.close(); //close FileInputStream
if (fos != null){
fos.close(); //close FileOutputStream
} catch (IOException e) {
//2- delete file from sourcePath
new File(sourcePath).delete();
c:/myFile.txt has been successfully moved to c:/newFolder/myFile.txt
Create File using createNewFile() method in java file IO
Copy a file in java 2 in ways - use org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils's copyDirectory(sourceDirectory, destDirectory)
Program to Delete a file - in java file IO
Program to Find file exists or not - in java file IO
Program on How to hide and unHide file or Directory in java 7 using java.nio.file
Program to Make a file READ ONLY in java
Program to Find file is Read only or not in java 7
Program to Create Directory - Single and multiple (i.e. parent and child directories) in java file IO
2 Program to Delete a Directory
Traverse a Directory (all sub-directories and files) in 2 ways
Core Java
File IO/File handling