In this tutorial we will learn how to Insert/Store/save IMAGE in database by using PreparedStatement's setBinaryStream and executeUpdate methods, using BLOB data type in java jdbc.
We must use BLOB data type for storing images, why not CLOB? Please read Difference between CLOB and CLOB data type in Oracle
What is BLOB data type in Oracle database >
BLOB stands for Binary Large Object.
BLOB stores values in bitstreams.
BLOB is used for storing binary data.
BLOB data type is appropriate for storing following >
- image,
- graphical,
- voice and
- some application specific data.
--Before executing java program execute these database scripts >
create table TEST_IMG(ID number(4), IMAGE_COL blob);
And keep some image in c:/myImg.png (or you may change directory here and in below program)
--If table already exists then execute the DROP command >
drop table TEST_IMG;
Before execution of below program TEST_IMG table will look like this >
After execution of below program TEST_IMG table will look like this >
Example/ Full Programs JDBC- Insert/Store/save image in database by using PreparedStatement's executeUpdate method, using BLOB data type in java
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
/** Copyright (c), AnkitMittal */
public class StoreImageExample {
public static void main(String... arg) {
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement prepStmt = null;
FileInputStream fin = null;
String imagePath="c:/myImg.png";
try {
// registering Oracle driver class
// getting connection
con = DriverManager.getConnection(
"ankit", "Oracle123");
System.out.println("Connection established successfully!");
//create FileInputStream object
fin=new FileInputStream(imagePath);
//prepare insert query
prepStmt=con.prepareStatement("INSERT into TEST_IMG (ID, IMAGE_COL) "
+ "values (1, ?)");
//Substitute first occurrence of ? with fileInputStream
prepStmt.setBinaryStream(1, fin);
//execute insert query
int numberOfRowsInserted = prepStmt.executeUpdate();
System.out.println("numberOfRowsInserted = " + numberOfRowsInserted);
System.out.println(imagePath+" > Image stored in database");
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
if(fin!=null) fin.close(); //close file
if(prepStmt!=null) prepStmt.close(); //close PreparedStatement
if(con!=null) con.close(); // close connection
} catch (SQLException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
Connection established successfully!
numberOfRowsInserted = 1
c:/myImg.png > Image stored in database
So in this tutorial we learned how to Insert/Store/save IMAGE in database by using PreparedStatement's setBinaryStream and executeUpdate methods, using BLOB data type in java jdbc.