Contents of page :
- Reflection in java
- Let’s understand step-by-step how Reflection program will work in java >
- Let’s create simple program to demonstrate concept of Reflection in java >
- Alternatively, for loading class we can use ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()>
- Let’s create program to understand how we can pass String and Integer as argument in method in java >
Reflection in java>
Reflection is used to load java classes at runtime. Frameworks like struts, spring and hibernate uses reflection for loading classes at runtime.
Let’s understand step-by-step how Reflection program will work in java >
Step 1 > load 'ReflectionClass' at runtime, please ensure you write package name before class name.
Step 2 > create object of ReflectionClass by calling constructor of ReflectionClass
Step 3 > calling methodNoPara() method of ReflectionClass.
Let’s create simple program to demonstrate concept of Reflection in java >
package reflection1;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
class ReflectionClass {
* constructor
public ReflectionClass() {
System.out.println("in constructor of ReflectionClass");
* Method with no parameter
public void methodNoPara() {
System.out.println("in methodNoPara() of ReflectionClass ");
* Copyright (c), AnkitMittal
* Main class
public class ReflectionTest {
public static void main(String... a) {
try {
// step 1, load 'ReflectionClass' at runtime
Class cls = Class.forName("reflection1.ReflectionClass");
// step 2 //will call constructor of ReflectionClass
Object object = cls.newInstance();
// step 3, calling methodNoPara()
Method method = cls.getMethod("methodNoPara", null);
method.invoke(object, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
in constructor of ReflectionClass
in methodNoPara() of ReflectionClass
| |
cls.getMethod("methodNoPara", null)
Alternatively, for loading class we can use ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()>
with below code >
ClassLoader classLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
Class cls = classLoader.loadClass("ReflectionClass");
Let’s create program to understand how we can pass String and Integer as argument in method in java>
package reflection2;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
class ReflectionClass {
* constructor
public ReflectionClass() {
System.out.println("in constructor of ReflectionClass");
* Method with no parameter
public void methodNoPara() {
System.out.println("in methodNoPara() of ReflectionClass");
* Method with String parameter
public void methodString(String str) {
System.out.println("in methodString() > " + str);
* Method with Integer parameter
public void methodInteger(Integer integer) {
System.out.println("in methodInteger() > " + integer);
* Copyright (c), AnkitMittal
* Main class
public class ReflectionTest {
public static void main(String... a) {
try {
//String parameter
Class stringPara[] = new Class[1];
stringPara[0] = String.class;
Class integerPara[] = new Class[1];
integerPara[0] = Integer.class;
// step 1, load 'ReflectionClass' at runtime
Class cls = Class.forName("reflection2.ReflectionClass");
// step 2 //will call constructor of ReflectionClass
Object object = cls.newInstance();
// step 3a, calling methodNoPara()
Method method = cls.getMethod("methodNoPara", null);
method.invoke(object, null);
// step 3b, calling methodString()
method = cls.getMethod("methodString", stringPara);
method.invoke(object, "ankit");
// step 3c, calling methodInteger()
method = cls.getMethod("methodInteger", integerPara);
method.invoke(object, 911);
} catch (Exception e) {
in constructor of ReflectionClass
in methodNoPara() of ReflectionClass
in methodString() > ankit
in methodInteger() > 911
Core Java