Thread concurrency - Top 50 interview questions and answer in java for fresher and experienced (detailed explanation with programs)

Interviewers always have great focus on testing interviewees command on thread concurrency, so it’s time to discuss thread concurrency in detail. So, I have tried to cover maximum number of the possible question which could be framed on thread concurrency. For comprehensive understanding, i’ll recommend you refer thread concurrency tutorial and THREADS - Top 80 interview questions and answers. Every experienced developer must be well versed in thread concurrency.

Thread concurrency interview Question 1. What is executor framework in java?
Answer. This is very important question to start your interview with. Executor and ExecutorService are used for  following purposes >
Executor creates pool of threads and manages life cycle of all threads in it.
In Executor framework, Executor interface and  ExecutorService  class are most prominently used in java.

Executor interface defines very important execute() method which executes command in java.

ExecutorService interface extends Executor interface.
An Executor interface provides following type of methods >
  • methods for managing termination and
  • methods that can produce a Future for tracking progress of tasks in java.

An Executor that provides methods to manage termination and methods that can produce a Future for tracking progress of one or more asynchronous tasks.
Thread concurrency interview Question 2. What are differences between execute() and submit() method of executor framework in java?
Answer. This is basic thread concurrency interview question, beforehand you must know about Executor Service Framework.
execute() method
submit() method
execute() method is defined in Executor interface in java.
submit() method is defined in ExecutorService interface in java.
It can be used for executing runnable task in java in java.
It can be used for executing runnable  task or callable task, submitted callable returns future and Future's get method will return the task's result in java.
Signature of execute method is  >
void execute(Runnable task)
submit method has 3 forms >
<T> Future<T> submit(Callable<T> task)
Submits a callable task for execution.
Method returns a Future which represents pending results of the task.
Once task is completed Future's get method will return the task's result.

<T> Future<T> submit(Runnable task, T result)
Submits a Runnable task for execution.
Method returns a Future which represents that task. Once task is completed Future's get method will return result.

Future<?> submit(Runnable task)
Submits a Runnable task for execution.
Method returns a Future which represents that task. Once task is completed Future's get method will return null.

Thread concurrency interview Question 3.What is Semaphore in java 7?
Answer.  This is very important thread concurrency interview question for freshers and experienced. A semaphore controls access to a shared resource by using permits in java.
  • If permits are greater than zero, then semaphore allow access to shared resource.
  • If permits are zero or less than zero, then semaphore does not allow access to shared resource in java.
These permits are sort of counters, which allow access to the shared resource. Thus, to access the resource, a thread must be granted a permit from the semaphore in java.

Semaphore has 2 constructors >
  • Semaphore(int permits)  
permits is the initial number of permits available.
This value can be negative, in which case releases must occur before any acquires will be granted, permits is number of threads that can access shared resource at a time.
If permits is 1, then only one threads that can access shared resource at a time in java.

  • Semaphore(int permits, boolean fair)
permits is the initial number of permits available.
This value can be negative, in which case releases must occur before any acquires will be granted.
By setting fair to true, we ensure that waiting threads are granted a permit in the order in which they requested access.

Semaphore’s acquire( ) method has 2 forms :
  • void acquire( ) throws InterruptedException
Acquires a permit if one is available and reduces the number of available permits by 1.
If no permit is available then the current thread becomes dormant until
>some other thread calls release() method on this semaphore or,
>some other thread interrupts the current thread.

  • void acquire(int permits) throws InterruptedException
Acquires permits number of permits if available and reduces the number of available permits by permits.
If permits number of permits are not available then the current thread becomes dormant until  one of the following things happens -
>some other thread calls release() method on this semaphore and available permits become equal to permits or,
>some other thread interrupts the current thread.

Semaphore’s release( ) method has 2 forms in java :
  • void release( )
Releases a permit and increases the number of available permits by 1.
For releasing lock by calling release() method it’s not mandatory that thread must have acquired permit by calling acquire() method in java.

  • void release(int permits)
Releases permits number of permits and increases the number of available permits by permits.
For releasing lock by calling release(int permits) method it’s not mandatory that thread must have acquired permit by calling acquire()/acquire(int permit) method in java.

Read more about Semaphore in java.

Thread concurrency interview Question 4. How can you implement Producer Consumer pattern using Semaphore in java?
Answer. This is tricky thread concurrency interview question for even experienced guys. Semaphore on producer is created with permit =1. So, that producer can get the permit to produce.
Semaphore on consumer is created with permit =0. So, that consumer could wait for permit to consume. [because initially producer hasn’t produced any product]

Producer gets permit by calling semaphoreProducer.acquire() and starts producing, after producing it calls semaphoreConsumer.release(). So, that consumer could get the  permit to consume.

System.out.println("Produced : "+i);

Consumer gets permit by calling semaphoreConsumer.acquire() and starts consuming, after consuming it calls semaphoreProducer.release(). So, that producer could get the  permit to produce.

System.out.println("Consumed : "+i);

Thread concurrency interview Question 5. How can you implement your own Semaphore?
Answer. Experienced developers must be able to answer this thread concurrency interview question. Implementation of custom/own Semaphore in java.

Thread concurrency interview Question 6. What is significance of atomic classes in java 7?
Answer. Another important and basic thread concurrency interview question for freshers. Java provides some classes in java.util.concurrent.atomic which offers an alternative to the other synchronization in java.

Classes found in java.util.concurrent.atomic are >
  • AtomicInteger,
  • AtomicLong, and
  • AtomicBoolean.

Methods provided by these classes >
  • get( ),
  • set( ),
  • getAndSet( ),
  • compareAndSet( ), and
  • decrementAndGet( ).

In multithreading environment we can use these classes without any explicit synchronization, as all these classes are thread safe in java.

For more information on atomic read Atomic operations in java.
Thread concurrency interview Question 7. What are Future and Callable? How are they related in java?
Answer.  This is very very important thread concurrency interview question. They are widely used in thread concurrency.
Future<V> interface provides methods >
  • for returning result of computation, wait until computation is not completed and
  • for cancelling the computation in between.

Future Methods >
V get() method returns the result of computation, method waits for computation to complete.
cancel method cancels the task.

Callable<V> interface provides method for computing a result and returning that computed result or throws an exception if unable to do so
Any class implementing Callable interface must override call() method for computing a result.
Method returns computed result or throws an exception if unable to do so in java.

what type of results Callable’s call() method can return in java?
The Callable<V> is a generic interface, so its call method can return generic result specified by V.

How Callable and Future are related?
If you submit a Callable object to an Executor returned object is of Future type.

Future<Double> futureDouble=executor.submit(new SquareDoubleCallable(2.2));
where, SquareDoubleCallable is a class which implements Callable.

This Future object can check the status of a Callable call’s method and wait until Callable’s call() method is not completed.

Thread concurrency interview Question 8. Similarity and differences between java.util.concurrent.Callable and  java.lang.Runnable in java?
Answer. This is basic thread concurrency interview question.
Similarity between java.util.concurrent.Callable and  java.lang.Runnable in java?
Instances of class which implements callable are executed by another thread.

Difference between java.util.concurrent.Callable and  java.lang.Runnable in java?
Class implementing Callable interface must override call() method. call() method returns computed result or throws an exception if unable to do so.
Class implementing Runnable interface must override run() method.
A Runnable does not return a result and can neither throw a checked exception in java.

Thread concurrency interview Question 9. What is CountDownLatch in java?
Answer.  This is very important thread concurrency interview question. Fresher and experienced bost be well versed with this. There might be situation where we might like our thread to wait until one or more threads completes certain operation in java.

A CountDownLatch is initialized with a given count .
count specifies the number of events that must occur before latch is released.
Every time a event happens count is reduced by 1. Once count reaches 0 latch is released.

CountDownLatch’s  constructor >
  • CountDownLatch(int count)  
CountDownLatch is initialized with given count.
count specifies the number of events that must occur befor latch is released.

CountDownLatch’s await() method has 2 forms :
  • void await( ) throws InterruptedException
Causes the current thread to wait until  one of the following things happens-
  • latch count has down to reached 0, or
  • unless the thread is interrupted.

  • boolean await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
Causes the current thread to wait until  one of the following things happens-
  • latch count has down to reached 0,
  • unless the thread is interrupted, or
  • specified timeout elapses.

CountDownLatch’s countDown() method in java :
  • void countDown( )
Reduces latch count by 1.
If count reaches 0, all waiting threads are released.

Read more about CountDownLatch in java.

Thread concurrency interview Question 10. Where can you use CountDownLatch in real world?
Answer.  Very interesting question. It will test your real time thread concurrency implementation skills. When you go in amusement park, you must have seen on certain rides there is mandate that at least 3 people (3 is count) should be there to take a ride. So, ride keeper (ride keeper is main thread) waits for 3 persons (ride keeper has called await()).
Every time a person comes count is reduced by 1 (let’s say every person is calling countDown() method). Ultimately when 3 persons reach count becomes 0 & wait for ride keeper comes to end.

Read more about CountDownLatch in java.

Thread concurrency interview Question 11. How can you implement your own CountDownLatch in java?
Answer. This is important and complex interview question for developers. Please see Implementation of custom/own CountDownLatch in java.

Thread concurrency interview Question 12.What is CyclicBarrier in java?
Answer.   This is very important thread concurrency interview question. Fresher and experienced bost be well versed with this. There might be situation where we might have to trigger event only when one or more threads completes certain operation in java.

2 or more threads wait for each other to reach a common barrier point. When all threads have reached common barrier point (i.e. when all threads have called await() method) >
  • All waiting threads are released, and
  • Event can be triggered as well.

CyclicBarrier’s  constructor in java >
  • CyclicBarrier(int parties)
New CyclicBarrier is created where parties number of thread wait for each other to reach common barrier point, when all threads have reached common barrier point, parties number of waiting threads are released.

  • CyclicBarrier(int parties, Runnable barrierAction)
New CyclicBarrier is created where parties number of thread wait for each other to reach common barrier point, when all threads have reached common barrier point, parties number of waiting threads are released and barrierAction (event) is triggered.

CyclicBarrier’s await() method has 2 forms :
  • int await() throws InterruptedException, BrokenBarrierException
If the current thread is not the last to arrive(i.e. call await() method) then it waits until one of the following things happens -
  • The last thread to call arrive(i,.e. call await() method), or
  • Some other thread interrupts the current thread, or
  • Some other thread interrupts one of the other waiting threads, or
  • Some other thread times out while waiting for barrier, or
  • Some other thread invokes reset() method on this cyclicBarrier.

  • int await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, BrokenBarrierException, TimeoutException
If the current thread is not the last to arrive(i.e. call await() method) then it waits until one of the following things happens -
  • The last thread to call arrive(i,.e. call await() method), or
  • The specified timeout elapses, or
  • Some other thread interrupts the current thread, or
  • Some other thread interrupts one of the other waiting threads, or
  • Some other thread times out while waiting for barrier, or
  • Some other thread invokes reset() method on this cyclicBarrier.

Read more about CyclicBarrier in java.
Thread concurrency interview Question 13. Why is CyclicBarrier cyclic in java?
Answer.  This is very interesting thread concurrency interview question for developers. The barrier is called cyclic because CyclicBarrier can be reused after -
  • All the waiting threads are released in java and
  • event has been triggered in java.

Thread concurrency interview Question 14. Where could we use CyclicBarrier in real world?
Answer. Another very interesting question. It will test your real time thread concurrency implementation skills. Let’s say 10 friends (friends are threads) have planned for picnic on place A (Here place A is common barrier point). And they all decided to play certain game (game is event) only on everyones arrival at place A. So, all 10 friends must wait for each other to reach place A before launching event.

Now, when all threads have reached common barrier point (i.e. all friends have reached place A) >
  • All waiting threads are released  (All friends can play game), and
  • Event can be triggered (they will start playing game).

Thread concurrency interview Question 15. How can you implement your own CyclicBarrier in java?
Answer.  This is another important and complex interview for developers. Please see Implementation of custom/own CyclicBarrier in java.

Thread concurrency interview Question 16. Similarity and Difference between CyclicBarrier and CountDownLatch in Java?
Answer.   This is very very important thread concurrency interview question. Fresher and experienced both must be well versed with this.
  1. CyclicBarrier and CountDownLatch are similar because they wait for specified number of thread to reach certain point and make count/parties equal to 0. But,
for completing wait in CountDownLatch specified number of threads must call countDown() method in java.
for completing wait in CyclicBarrier specified number of threads must call await() method.

  1. Let’ see there constructor’s >

CountDownLatch(int count)  
CountDownLatch is initialized with given count.
count specifies the number of events that must occur before latch is released.
CyclicBarrier(int parties)
New CyclicBarrier is created where parties number of thread wait for each other to reach common barrier point, when all threads have reached common barrier point, parties number of waiting threads are released.

  1. CyclicBarrier can be awaited repeatedly, but CountDownLatch can’t be awaited repeatedly. i.e. once count has become 0 cyclicBarrier can be used again but CountDownLatch cannot be used again in java.

  1. CyclicBarrier can be used to trigger event, but CountDownLatch can’t be used to launch event. i.e. once count has become 0 cyclicBarrier can trigger event but CountDownLatch can’t in java.

How can cyclicBarrier launch event?
CyclicBarrier provides constructor for triggering event.
CyclicBarrier(int parties, Runnable barrierAction)
New CyclicBarrier is created where parties number of thread wait for each other to reach common barrier point, when all threads have reached common barrier point, parties number of waiting threads are released and barrierAction (event) is triggered.

Thread concurrency interview Question 17. What is Phaser in java? Is Phaser similar to CyclicBarrier?
Answer. This is another very important thread concurrency interview question. Phaser is somewhat similar in functionality of CyclicBarrier and CountDownLatch but it provides more flexibility than both of them.

Phaser provides us flexibility of registering and deRegistering parties at any time.
For registering parties, we may use any of the following -
  • constructors, or
  • int register(), or
  • bulkRegister().
For deRegistering parties, we may use any of the following -
  • arriveAndDeregister()
we have methods like  getPhase() which returns the current phase number. And
isTerminated() method returns true if phaser has been terminated.

Read more about Phaser in java

Thread concurrency interview Question 18. Differences and similarity between Phaser and CyclicBarrier in java?
Answer.  Another interesting thread concurrency interview question. Like a CyclicBarrier, a Phaser can be awaited repeatedly.
But, in CyclicBarrier we used to register parties in constructor but Phaser provides us flexibility of registering and deRegistering parties at any time in java.

Thread concurrency interview Question 19.Difference between arrive() and arriveAndAwaitAdvance() method of Phaser in java?
Answer. This is thread concurrency interview question for experienced developers. arrive() method of Phaser does not cause current thread to wait for other registered threads to complete current phase. That means current thread can immediately start next phase without waiting for any other registered thread to complete current phase.
But, arriveAndAwaitAdvance() method causes current thread to wait for other registered threads to complete current phase. That means current thread can proceed to next phase only when all other threads have completed current phase (i.e. by calling arriveAndAwaitAdvance() method).

Thread concurrency interview Question 20. When is phaser terminated in java?
Answer.  This is another thread concurrency interview question for experienced developers. When calling arriveAndDeregister() method of Phaser has caused the number of registered parties to become 0. Termination can also be triggered when an onAdvance() method returns true.

Question 21. How can you control number of phase you want to execute in Phaser in java?
Answer.  Yet another thread concurrency interview question for experienced developers. We can override the onAdvance( ) method of Phaser to control number of phases which we want to execute.

Signature of onAdavance method is boolean onAdvance(int phase, int registeredParties).
Where, phase is the current phase number when we enter onAdvance() method i.e. before advancing to next phase.
registeredParties is the current number of registered parties

Every Time before advancing to next phase overridden onAdvance() method is called and returns either true or false.
If method returns true than phaser is terminated ,or
If method returns false then phaser continues and can advance to next phase.

Thread concurrency interview Question 22. Where could we use Phaser in real world?
Answer. Another interesting thread concurrency interview question. Software process management is done in phases.
  • First phase could be requirement gathering,
  • second could be software development and
  • third could be testing.
Second phase will not start until first is not completed, like wise third phase will not start until second is not completed.

Thread concurrency interview Question 23. What is maximum number of parties that could be registered with phaser at a time in java ?
Answer. Complex and challenging interview question even for experienced. Maximum number of parties that could be registered with phaser at a time is 65535, if we try to register more parties IllegalStateException will be thrown in java.

Thread concurrency interview Question 24. What is exchanger in Java?
Answer.  This is very important thread concurrency interview question for freshers and experienced. Exchanger enables two threads to exchange their data between each other. Exchanger can be handy in solving Producer Consumer pattern where Producer and consumer threads can exchange their data.

  • exchange(V x)
exchange() method enables two threads to exchange their data between each other.
If current thread is first one to call exchange() method then it will until one of following things happen >
  • Some other thread calls exchange() method, or
  • Some other thread interrupts the current thread, or

If some other thread has already called exchanger() method then it resumes its execution and following things happen -
  • waiting thread is resumed and receives data from current thread.
  • current thread receives data from that waiting thread and it returns immediately.

  • V exchange(V x, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
exchanger() method enables two threads to exchange their data between each other.

If current thread is first one to call exchange() method then it will until one of following things happen >
  • Some other thread calls exchange() method, or
  • Some other thread interrupts the current thread, or
  • The specified timeout elapses.

If some other thread has already called exchanger() method then it resumes its execution and following things happen -
  • waiting thread is resumed and receives data from current thread.
  • current thread receives data from that waiting thread and it returns immediately.

Read more about Exchanger in java.

Thread concurrency interview Question 25. How can you implement Producer Consumer pattern using Exchanger in java?
Answer.  Very interesting thread concurrency interview question for experienced developers. Exchanger is created,  which will enable Producer and consumer threads to exchange their data.
Producer thread produces and called exchanger() method, now it will wait for consumer thread to call exchange() method.
Consumer thread calls exchanger() method and following things will happens >
  • current thread(consumerThread) will receive data from that waiting thread(producerThread) and it returns immediately.
  • waiting thread (producerThread) will resume and receive data from current thread (consumerThread).

Question 26. How can you solve consumer producer pattern by using BlockingQueue in java?
Answer. It is very very important thread concurrency interview question for all developers.. Now it’s time to gear up to face question which is most probably going to be followed up by previous question i.e. after how to solve consumer producer problem using wait() and notify() method. Generally you might wonder why interviewer's are so much interested in asking about solving consumer producer problem using BlockingQueue, answer is they want to know how strong knowledge you have about java concurrent Api’s, this Api use consumer producer pattern in very optimized manner, BlockingQueue is designed is such a manner that it offer us the best performance.

Key methods for solving consumer producer pattern are >

put(i);      //used by producer to put/produce in sharedQueue.
take(); //used by consumer to take/consume from sharedQueue.

Question 27. How can you implement your own LinkedBlockingQueue to solve consumer producer pattern in java?
Answer.  Another challenging, logical and complex thread concurrency interview question, Please read Producer Consumer pattern using Custom implementation of BlockingQueue interface
Thread concurrency interview Question 28. What is Lock in java?
Answer. Important thread concurrency interview question. The java.util.concurrent.locks.Locks is a  interface and its implementations provide more extensive locking operations than can be obtained using synchronized methods and statements.
A lock helps in controlling access to a shared resource by multiple threads. Only one thread at a time can acquire the lock and access the shared resource in java.
If a second thread attempts to acquire the lock on shared resource when it is acquired by another thread, the second thread will wait until the lock is released. In this way we can achieve synchronization and race conditions can be avoided in java.
Read lock of a ReadWriteLock may allow concurrent access to a shared resource in java.

Thread concurrency interview Question 29. Explain key methods of Lock interface in java?
Answer.  This is very important thread concurrency interview question for freshers and experienced.
Lock interface key methods in java >

void lock()
Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread. And sets lock hold count to 1.
If current thread already holds lock then lock hold count is increased by 1.
If the lock is held by another thread then the current thread waits for another thread to release lock.

void unLock()
If the current thread is the holding the lock then the lock hold count is decremented by 1. If the lock hold count has reached 0, then the lock is released.
If lock hold count is still greater than 0 then lock is not released.
If the current thread is not holding the lock then IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown.

boolean tryLock()
Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread and returns true. And sets lock hold count to 1.
If current thread already holds lock then method returns true. And increments lock hold count by 1.
If lock is held by another thread then method return false.

boolean tryLock(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
           throws InterruptedException
Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread and returns true.  And sets lock hold count to 1.
If current thread already holds lock then method returns true. And increments lock hold count by 1.
If lock is held by another thread then current thread will wait until one of the following things happen -
  • Another thread releases lock and the lock is acquired by the current thread, or
  • Some other thread interrupts the current thread, or
  • The specified timeout elapses .

If the lock is acquired then method returns true. And sets lock hold count to 1.
If specified timeout elapses then method return false.

Condition newCondition()
Method returns a Condition instance to be used with this Lock instance.
Condition instance are similar to using Wait(), notify() and notifyAll() methods.

  • IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown if this lock is not held when any of the Condition waiting or signalling methods are called.

  • Lock is released when the condition waiting methods are called and before they return, the lock is reacquired and the lock hold count restored to what it was when the method was called.

  • If a thread is interrupted while waiting then InterruptedException will be thrown and following things will happen -
    • the wait will be over, and
    • thread's interrupted status will be cleared.

  • Waiting threads are signalled in FIFO (first in first out order) order.
  • When lock is  fair, first lock is obtained by longest-waiting thread.
If lock is not  fair, any waiting thread could get lock, at discretion of implementation.

Read more about locks in java

Thread concurrency interview Question 30. Explain usage of newCondition() method of Lock interface in detail in java? And can it be used to implement producer consumer pattern in java?

Answer.  It is very complex thread concurrency interview question.Even most of the experienced developers are not aware of this question. Please read ReentrantLock class provides implementation of Lock’s newCondition() method in java - description and solving producer consumer program using this method.

Thread concurrency interview Question 31. Explain key methods of ReentrantLock class in java?
Answer. This is very important thread concurrency interview question for freshers and experienced.
ReentrantLock class provides implementation of all Lock interface methods
void lock()
void unLock()
boolean tryLock()
boolean tryLock(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)

Additional methods provided by ReentrantLock class are >
void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException
If current thread already holds lock then method returns true. And increments lock hold count by 1.
If the lock is held by another thread then the current thread waits until one of the following thing happens -
  • The lock is acquired by the current thread, or
  • Some other thread interrupts the current thread.
As soon as current thread acquires the lock it sets lock hold count to 1.

int getWaitQueueLength(Condition condition)
Method returns number of threads that may be waiting to acquire this lock.
Method is used just for monitoring purposes and not for any kind of synchronization purposes.

boolean isHeldByCurrentThread()
Method returns true if lock is held by current thread. Its similar to Thread.holdsLock() method.

Read more about ReEntrantLocks in java

Thread concurrency interview Question 32. Write Program to demonstrate usage of ReentrantLock in java?
Answer.   Interesting question for developers. Read program  to demonstrate usage of ReentrantLock.

Thread concurrency interview Question 33. How can you implement your own ReentrantLock in java?
Answer. This is important and complex interview question for developers. Implementation of custom/own Lock and ReEntrantLock in java

Thread concurrency interview Question 34. What is Fork/Join Framework in java ?
Answer.  This is very very important thread concurrency interview question. Fresher and experienced both must be well versed with this..
Fork/Join Framework has been added in JDK 7 and is defined in the java.util.concurrent package in java.

Fork/Join framework enables parallel programming. Parallel programming means taking advantage two or more processors (multicore) in computers.  Parallel programming improves program performance in java.

The Fork/Join Framework also improves program performance in following ways >
  • Fork/Join framework makes use of multiple processors available in computer. Hence enabling parallel processing, and
  • It managing whole life cycle of Threads.

Read more about Fork/Join Framework - Parallel programming in java.

Thread concurrency interview Question 35. What is Divide-and-conquer in Fork/Join framework in java ?
Answer. Basic thread concurrency interview question, which tests the developers in depth knowledge about the fork join framework in java. The divide-and-conquer strategy recursively divides a task into smaller subtasks until  subtask isn’t small enough to be solved independently.

Thread concurrency interview Question 36. What approach does ForkJoinPool uses for managing tasks in java?
Answer. Another basic thread concurrency interview question, which tests the developers in depth knowledge about the fork join framework in java. ForkJoinPool uses work-stealing approach for managing threads. Each thread in ForkJoinPool maintains a queue of tasks. If one thread’s queue is empty, it can take task from another thread. This overall improves the program/applications performance in java.

Thread concurrency interview Question 37. What are ForkJoinPool and ForkJoinTask in java?
ForkJoinPool in java
ForkJoinPool implements ExecutorService framework. The execution of ForkJoinTasks takes place within a ForkJoinPool, which also manages the execution of the tasks.

ForkJoinPool constructors >
  • ForkJoinPool( )
  • Creates a pool in java.
  • level of parallelism = number of processors available in the system
  • ForkJoinPool(int parallelism)
  • The parallelism is the level of parallelism. Its value must be greater than 0 and must not be more than number of processors in system.
  • level of parallelism determines the number of threads that can execute simultaneously. As a number of threads are determined it also determines number of tasks that could be executed parallely in java.

ForkJoinPool important methods in java >
After you have created an instance of ForkJoinPool, you can start a task in a number of different ways. The first task started is the main task. Main task begins subtasks that are also managed by the pool. Different methods for starting tasks have been discussed below >
  • <T> T invoke(ForkJoinTask<T> task)
This method starts the task and returns the result of the task.  Calling code waits until method returns.
  • void execute(ForkJoinTask<?> task)
The execute() method can be used to start a task without waiting for its completion.
This method starts the task. Calling code continues its execution asynchronously and does not waits for method completion like in invoke method.
  •  submit() method comes in 4 different forms.
submit() method can also be used for submitting task.

  • int getParallelism()
  The method returns level of parallelism i.e. number of processors available in the system.

  • void shutdown()
Initiates shutdown, previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted.

  • List<Runnable> shutdownNow()
  • attempts to stop all actively executing tasks,
  • submitted tasks may or may not execute.
  • awaiting tasks will never execute, and
  • method cancels both existing and unexecuted tasks, so it returns empty list.

ForkJoinTask<V> in java
ForkJoinTask is abstract class for tasks that run within a ForkJoinPool.  
ForkJoinTask<V> is an abstract class that defines a task that can be managed by a ForkJoinPool.
The V specifies the result type of the task in java.
Threads managed by ForkJoinPool executes ForkJoinTasks. Small number of threads are used to serve large number of tasks.
ForkJoinTask important methods >

ForkJoinTask core methods are fork( ) and join()
  • ForkJoinTask<V> fork( )
    The fork( ) method submits the task for asynchronous execution, means that the thread that calls fork( ) method to submit task continues to run. Task are executed in the compute() method, which is running within a ForkJoinPool.

  • V join( )
The join( ) method waits for task completion on which it is called. The method returns result of the task.
  • In short, about fork( ) and join( ) are used for starting one or more new tasks and then wait for them to complete.

  • V invoke( )
The invoke() method combines the functionally of fork() and join() methods. invoke() submits the task and waits for completion of submitted task.
The method returns result of task.

  • static void invokeAll(ForkJoinTask<?> t1, ForkJoinTask<?> t2)
invokeAll() method  submits t1 and t2 and waits for completion of t1 and t1.
  • static void invokeAll(ForkJoinTask<?> … tasks)
invokeAll() method submits list of tasks i.e. tasks and waits for completion of all tasks in list.

The invokeAll( ) method can only be called from within the overridden compute() method of another ForkJoinTask, which is running within a ForkJoinPool.

Some other important methods for checking status of submitted task -
  • boolean isDone() method returns true if a task completes.

  • boolean isCompletedNormally() method returns true if a task completed normally without cancellation or without throwing any exception.

  • boolean isCompletedAbnormally() returns true if a task completed abnormally either by cancellation or by throwing any exception.

  • boolean isCancelled() returns true if the task was cancelled.

Question 38. Similarity and Difference between RecursiveAction and RecursiveTask in java?
Answer. Another important thread concurrency interview question.
Difference between RecursiveAction and RecursiveTask in java

This submits a task and does not return a result in java.
This submits a task and  returns a result in java.
Definition of compute method
protected abstract void compute()
protected abstract V compute()
The V specifies the result type of the task.

Similarity between RecursiveAction and RecursiveTask
> Both extends ForkJoinPool.
> All computations by tasks are performed inside compute() method.

Question 39. How can we use Fork/Join framework in real world?
Answer. This thread concurrency interview question will test your real time thread concurrency implementation skills. We can use Fork/Join framework for calculating sum of array of 100000 or even may be more numbers. Fork/Join framework uses divide-and-conquer strategy for enabling parallel programming. Divide-and-conquer strategy recursively divides a array into smaller subarrays until  subarray isn’t small enough to be solved independently.
Also,  ForkJoinPool uses work-stealing approach for managing threads. Each thread in ForkJoinPool maintains a queue of tasks. If one thread’s queue is empty, it can take task from another thread. This overall improve the programs performance. Please see program to calculate sum of array of 100000 numbers.

/** Copyright (c), AnkitMittal */

Thread concurrency interview Question 40. Difference between synchronized and ReentrantLock in java?
Answer.   This is another very very important thread concurrency interview question. Fresher and experienced both must be well versed with this.
synchronized in java
ReentrantLock in java
Does not provide any fair locks in java.
provides fair locks, when lock is fair - first lock is obtained by longest-waiting thread in java.

Constructor to provide fairness -

ReentrantLock(boolean fair)
Creates an instance of ReentrantLock.
When fair is set true, first lock is obtained by longest-waiting thread in java.
If  fair is set false, any waiting thread could get lock, at discretion of implementation in java.
Does not provide tryLock() method or its functionality. Thread always waits for lock in java.
Provide tryLock() method. If lock is held by another thread then method return false in java.

boolean tryLock()
Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread and returns true. And sets lock hold count to 1.
If current thread already holds lock then method returns true. And increments lock hold count by 1.
If lock is held by another thread then method return false in java.

There is no method for lock interruptibility, though current thread waits until one of the following thing happens -
  • The lock is acquired by the current thread in java, or
  • Some other thread interrupts the current thread in java.
void lockInterruptibly()
If current thread already holds lock then method returns true. And increments lock hold count by 1.
If the lock is held by another thread then the current thread waits until one of the following thing happens -
  • The lock is acquired by the current thread in java, or
  • Some other thread interrupts the current thread.
As soon as current thread acquires the lock it sets lock hold count to 1.

Does not provide any method to return number of threads that may be waiting to acquire this lock in java.
provide int getQueueLength() method to return number of threads that may be waiting to acquire this lock in java.
holdsLock() method is used to find out whether lock is held by current thread or not. If current thread holds lock method returns true in java.
isHeldByCurrentThread() method is used to find out whether lock is held by current thread or not. If current thread holds lock method returns true in java.
Thread can hold lock on object monitor only once in java.
if current thread already holds lock then lock hold count is increased by 1 when lock() method is called.

method to maintain lock hold count -
void lock()
Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread. And sets lock hold count to 1.
If current thread already holds lock then lock hold count is increased by 1.
Does not provide any new condition() method in java.
provides newCondition() method.
Method returns a Condition instance to be used with this Lock instance.
Condition instance are similar to using Wait(), notify() and notifyAll() methods on object.

  • IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown if this lock is not held when any of the Condition waiting or signalling methods are called.

  • Lock is released when the condition waiting methods are called and before they return, the lock is reacquired and the lock hold count restored to what it was when the method was called.

  • If a thread is interrupted while waiting then InterruptedException will be thrown and following things will happen -
    • the wait will be over, and
    • thread's interrupted status will be cleared.

  • Waiting threads are signalled in FIFO (first in first out order) order in java.
  • When lock is  fair, first lock is obtained by longest-waiting thread in java.
If lock is not  fair, any waiting thread could get lock, at discretion of implementation in java.

Question 41. Difference between traditional multithreading and parallel programming in java?
Answer. Basic interview question. Not a important one. MultiThreading primarily was designed to work with single CPU and utilize idle time of CPU. If two or more processors are there multithreading won’t be able to utilize multi processors but parallel programing using Fork/Join framework can utilize multiple processors available in computer in java.

Question 42. Explain atomic operations in java?

Answer. Developers must have knowledge of atomic operations in thread concurrency java. Java provides some classes in java.util.concurrent.atomic which offers an alternative to the other synchronization in java.

Please see Atomic operations in java.

Question 43. What is AtomicInteger in java? Explain key methods of AtomicInteger?
Answer. Another very important thread concurrency interview question for freshers and experienced. AtomicInteger  provides you with int value that is updated atomically. i.e. we can use these classes without any explicit synchronization in multithreading environment, because any operation done on these classes is thread safe in java.
AtomicInteger important Methods >
  • int get()
method returns the current value
  • void set(int newValue)
Sets to newValue.

  • int getAndSet(int newValue)
Sets to newValue and returns the old value.

  • boolean compareAndSet(int expect, int update)
Compare with expect, if equal, set to update and return true.

Addition methods >
  • int addAndGet(int value)
adds value to the current value. And return updated value.

  • int incrementAndGet()
increments current value by 1. And return updated value.

  • int getAndAdd(int value)
Method return current value. And adds value to the current value.

  • int getAndIncrement()
Method return current value. And increments current value by 1.

Subtraction methods >
  • int decrementAndGet()
decrements current value by 1. And return updated value.

  • int getAndDecrement()
Method return current value. And decrements current value by 1.

Thread concurrency interview Question 44. How can you implement your own AtomicInteger in java?
Answer. Another important and complex interview question for developers. Please see Implementation of custom/own AtomicInteger in java.

Question 45. What is AtomicLong? Explain key methods of AtomicLong in java?
Answer. This is another important thread concurrency interview question for freshers and experienced.AtomicLong  provides you with long value that is updated atomically. i.e. we can use these classes without any explicit synchronization in multithreading environment, because any operation done on these classes is thread safe.
AtomicLong important Methods >
  • long get()
method returns the current value
  • void set(long newValue)
Sets to newValue.
  • long getAndSet(long newValue)
Sets to newValue and returns the old value.
  • boolean compareAndSet(long expect, long update)
Addition methods >
  • long addAndGet(long value)
adds value to the current value. And return updated value.

  • long incrementAndGet()
increments current value by 1. And return updated value.

  • long getAndAdd(long value)
Method return current value. And adds value to the current value.

  • long getAndIncrement()
Method return current value. And increments current value by 1.

Subtraction methods >
  • long decrementAndGet()
decrements current value by 1. And return updated value.
  • long getAndDecrement()
Method return current value. And decrements current value by 1.

Thread concurrency interview Question 46. How can you implement your own AtomicLong in java?
Answer. Another important and complex interview question for developers. Please see Implementation of custom/own AtomicLong in java.

/** Copyright (c), AnkitMittal */

Thread concurrency interview Question 47. What will be the output of below question in java?

Thread-1 is Waiting to acquire lock
Thread-2 is Waiting to acquire lock
Thread-1 has acquired lock.
Thread-2 didn't got lock.

Thread concurrency interview Question 48. What will be the output of below question in java?

parentPhaser isTerminated : false
childPhaser isTerminated : false
--childPhaser has called arriveAndDeregister()--
parentPhaser isTerminated : true
childPhaser isTerminated : true

Thread concurrency interview Question 49. Which  atomic classes are available and which are not available in java 7? And why jdk developers didn’t created those classes?
Answer. This is confusing thread concurrency interview question for freshers.

Java provides following classes in java.util.concurrent.atomic >

Classes found in java.util.concurrent.atomic are >
  • AtomicInteger,
  • AtomicLong, and
  • AtomicBoolean.

Classes NOT found in java.util.concurrent.atomic are >
  • AtomicByte,
  • AtomicShort,
  • AtomicFloat,
  • AtomicDouble and
  • AtomicCharacter

Read why jdk developers didn’t created those classes. Click here .

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THREADS - Top 80 interview questions and answers (detailed explanation with programs) Set-1 >  Q1- Q60

THREADS - Top 80 interview questions and answers, important interview OUTPUT questions and answers, Set-2 > Q61- Q80

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