Occurrence of digit in cube of number in java

In this core java programming tutorial we will write a program to Find Occurrence of digit in number in java.

In this program we will find out factorial of number.

Let’s say cube of number(1551) is: 3731087151
Occurrence of 1 in cube of 1551 is: 3

Must read:Armstrong number in java.  

Full Program/SourceCode/Example in java to find Occurrence of digit in number in java >
* @author AnkitMittal
* Copyright (c) 2015, AnkitMittal . All Contents are copyrighted and must not be reproduced in any form.
public class OccurrenceOfNumberInCubeExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
          long num=1551;
          int occurrenceOf=1;  //calculate OccurrenceOf this digit in number.
          System.out.println("Cube of entered number("+num+") is: "+num*num*num );
          System.out.println("Occurrence of "+ occurrenceOf + " in cube of "+num+" is: "+calculateOccurrenceOf(num,occurrenceOf));
   * method return OccurrenceOf digit in cube of given number.
   public static int calculateOccurrenceOf(long num,int occurrenceOf){
          long cubeOfNumber=num*num*num;
          int count=0;
          return count;
Cube of entered number(1551) is: 3731087151
Occurrence of 1 in cube of 1551 is: 3

So in this core java programming tutorial we will write a program to Find Occurrence of digit in number in java.

/** Copyright (c), AnkitMittal www.JavaMadeSoEasy.com */

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