Find out count of all characters in string (including special characters) in java

In this core java programming tutorial we will write a program to Find out count of all characters in string (including special characters) in java.

Write a program to find out Find out count of all characters in string, special characters also must be counted in java.

Example in java>
inputString is : This is it
Output is : T=1 h=1 i=3 s=2  =2 t=1

Must read: Reverse String using recursion in java.  

Full Program/SourceCode/ Example to Find out count of all characters in string (including special characters) in java >
/** Copyright (c), AnkitMittal */
public class  CharacterCountInStringExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String inputString="This is it";
       System.out.println("inputString is : "+inputString);
       System.out.print("Output is : ");
    * Method calculates count of all characters in inputString.
   public static void characterCount(String inputString){
      char[] inputAr=inputString.toCharArray();
      int count=0,arLength;
       for(int x=0; x<arLength; x++){
        char ch=inputAr[x];
        for(int y=x+1; y<arLength; y++){
            if(inputAr[y]==ch){          //if we have find same character again in string
                for(int z=y; z< arLength-1; z++)   //shift characters left.
                arLength--;   //as characters have been reduce arLength.
                y=x;   //done to tackle case if occurrence of character is more than once in string.
     * Till this point of program, inputAr's first arLength number of elements are unique.
       for(int x=0;x<arLength;x++){
        for(int y=0; y<inputAr.length; y++){
        System.out.print(inputAr[x]+"="+count+" ");
inputString is : This is it
Output is :T=1 h=1 i=3 s=2  =2 t=1

So in this core java programming tutorial we wrote a program how to Find out count of all characters in string (including special characters) in java.

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