Insertion Sort in java

Contents of page >
  • Diagram of Insertion sort in java >
  • Logic explanation of Insertion Sort in java>
  • Full Program/SourceCode/Example of Insertion Sort in java >
  • Complexity of Insertion Sort in java >
  • Complexity of Insertion Sort in graph >

Insertion Sort executes in O(n2) time.
But it offers better performance as compared to Bubble Sort,Selection Sort.
It is twice faster as compared to Bubble Sort and much faster than Selection Sort.

Complexity offered by Insertion sort is O(n2) but later on in this post we will see how Insertion Sort is better than Bubble Sort and Selection Sort.

We can use Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, merge Sort, quick Sort which may offer you different time complexity.

Let’s see diagram below where we are going to arrange these people in ascending order of their  heights using Insertion Sort.

                        Level1 programs (beginner).

Diagram of Insertion sort in java >

Logic explanation of Insertion Sort in java>

Start from a point where the element on left side are sorted.
Some elements need to move right as we’ll insert unsorted elements between them.
All the elements on right of marked element are yet unsorted.

we’ll insert the marked element in the appropriate place in the sorted group.
But, to do this, we’ll need to shift some of the sorted elements to the right to make room.
To make some space for this shift, we take the marked element out of line.
Now we shift the sorted elements to make room. The tallest sorted element moves into
the marked element's spot, the next-tallest element into the tallest element’s spot, and
so on.
For how long this process will continue? At each position you shift another element to the
right, but you also compare the marked element with the element about to be shifted.
The shifting process is going to stop when you have shifted the last element that’s taller than the
marked element. The last shift opens up one space where the marked element, when
inserted, will be in the sorted order. Hence forming larger sorted group. Now the sorted group is one element bigger, and the unsorted group is one
element smaller.
This process is repeated until all the unsorted elements have been inserted into the appropriate place in the sorted group.

Full Program/SourceCode/Example of Insertion Sort in java >
* This class holds reference of array,
* which has to be sorted.
* And performs Insertion sorting in java
class InsertionSortArray {
   private int[] ar;
   private int index; //holds current position of array, by default it is initialized with 0
   * Constructor for initializing Array
   public InsertionSortArray(int maxSize)
          ar = new int[maxSize]; // creation of array
          index = 0;
   * This method inserts elements in Array.
   public void insert(int value)
          ar[index++] = value; // increment the current index
   * This method Sort Array using Insertion Sort in java
   public void insertionSort() {
          int inner, outer, tempValue;
          for (outer = 1; outer < index; outer++){ // outer is dividing line
                 tempValue = ar[outer]; // remove marked element
                 inner = outer; // start shifts at outer
                 while (inner > 0 && ar[inner - 1] >= tempValue){ // until one is smaller,            
                       ar[inner] = ar[inner - 1]; // shift elements to right
                       --inner; // go one position left
                 ar[inner] = tempValue; // insert marked element at inner position
   } //End insertion sort method
   * This method Display Array
   public void display()
          for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
                 System.out.print(ar[i] + " ");
* Main class - Which will call InsertionSorting class
public class InsertionSortAlgorithmExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
          int maxSize = 10; // initial size of Array
          InsertionSortArray inSortArray; // reference to array
          inSortArray = new InsertionSortArray(maxSize); // creation of array
          System.out.print("Display Array elements before Insertion sorting in java: ");
          inSortArray.display(); // display Array elements before sorting
          inSortArray.insertionSort(); // Insertion sort the array
          System.out.print("Display Array elements after Insertion sorting in java : ");
          inSortArray.display(); // display Array elements after sorting
Display Array elements before Insertion sorting in java: 21 1 31 51 41 91 61 32 36 93
Display Array elements after Insertion sorting in java : 1 21 31 32 36 41 51 61 91 93

So, we wrote program to do Insertion Sort of array in java.

Complexity of Insertion Sort in java >
Best,average and worst case >

Best Case :         O(n) [When input is already sorted]
Average Case :  O(n2).
Worst Case :      The worst case too is O(n2), complexity is due to the fact that the one for loop and other while loop will execute completely in all the three cases irrespective of the content of the list.

>No. of comparisons : O(n) in best case
O(n2) in average/worst case
>No. of swaps : O(n2) in average/worst case
& 0 in best case(When array is already sorted).

Undoubtedly, Insertion Sort is far more better than Bubble sort and selection sort.

Complexity of Insertion Sort in graph >

Summary >
So in this data structure tutorial we learned diagram of Insertion sort in java. Logic explanation of Insertion Sort in java. Program/Example of Insertion Sort in java. Complexity of Insertion Sort in java. Complexity of Insertion Sort in graph.

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